So I read in the news today that 7 Italian Government Scientist's have been charged with manslaughter. Back in 2009 a massive earthquake occurred in Italy that left some 300 people dead. The 6 seismologists and one lead government official were members of a group put together to asses the level of earthquake risk in this area of Italy. The group was formed in response to a cluster of insignificant quakes across the fault line. From what I have read the fault line is a highly irregular one, consisting of several different tectonic plates intersecting with each other in multiple areas at a variety of different angles. In other words it is a seismic nightmare. The argument against this group of seven is that they should have predicted the large quake to occur and thus they should have warned the people of the danger so that they could prepare. Essentially they are being held responsible for the deaths because they were unable to psychically foresee an earthquake. I am not going into the geology behind earthquakes but I think that anyone who graduated from high school would have some idea about how they occur. For those of you that may not know, there is no possible way to forecast an earthquake. Unfortunately we are not able to accurately keep tabs on numerous rock layers miles under the earths surface. These charges are some of the most ridiculous things I have ever heard. I can not even begin to think of what may push a prosecutor to bring such ridiculous charges against someone. Then again I do not live in Italy so I guess I am not the best judge of it. That being said I was under the impression that Mussolini had been ousted a few years ago.
On a lighter note is is some thing to rock you to sleep.
(This is a double pun)(I am extremely intelligent)(get it..cause Cradle of Filth) (Babies are often rocked to sleep in cradles)(It is also a rocking song)(I think explaining it kind of ruined it)
-Kyle Griffith McChesney
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