Saturday, May 21, 2011

Thoughts on the End of the World

So the world ended today guys...JK
I guess that Camping guy was wrong, maybe he had been BSing the whole time just to get money out of people. I guess everyone that gave up their lives and all their money to "get into heaven" is pretty SOL. I guess if I was going to devote my whole life (no matter how long it "may" last) to something, I would probably at least read the book it is centered around. That is probably asking to much though. Even if they do read it, the part that clearly says you can't buy your way into heaven, people will still be dumb. It amazes me the ways that people interpret the bible, and what actions they justify through said interpretations. If this whole end of the world thing is not enough, how about the one where Bill Nye the Science Guy gets booed of stage somewhere in Texas. What did Mr. Nye do to get booed? He mentioned that the moon glows only because light from the sun is reflected off of it. BUT THE BIBLE SAID GOD MADE TWO LIGHTS SO YOUR WRONG. The moon generating it's own light...You can't explain that.
It always amazes me the level of stupidity existent in the general population of the world. Amazes me and saddens me as well. Speaking of awesome people, how about the shopping cart I found today filled with two zip lock bags full of half melted ice, ten to fifteen band-aid wrappers and some blood covered pieces of gauze. THANKS FOR LEAVING THAT FOR ME. Learned to use the motorized cart pusher today, pretty much the most BA thing a cart attendant can do. Another weekend has come and gone in wonderful Brick, NJ. Stay tuned, have a wonderful evening!

This is how I feel sometimes....

-Kyle Griffith McChesney

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