Thursday, October 27, 2011

Thoughts on The Occupy Movement

I don't have a lot to say. It's late and I have been doing homework all night.
I just want anyone happens upon this post to watch this.

If you can watch this and not feel concern about the state of our country I worry for you. It is not up to one group of people to have all the answers, to have all the solutions to all of our problems. That is exactly the problem with the way things are right now. No one group will ever have the perfect cure for our ailments. The only way to solve the problems is to first acknowledge that they exist. Then we must come together, make compromises. The Occupy movement is a step in the right direction. If you find yourself in disagreement with some of "their" ideas, or opinions. Remember that they are not a political party or a lobbyist. They are people, just like you. They have all their own ideas about what is wrong with this great country and are just trying to voice said ideas in whatever way they can. I hope that you can feel some kinship with them, for at the very least, you are both human beings, and you are both fed up with the way things are going. I love you all. My heart goes out to everyone with enough brass to Occupy. To all of you who have felt the harsh backlash of the law, just remember this: You know in your heart that you did no wrong. These police officers and prosecutors make a mockery of the Constitution they claim to uphold. You have embraced the freedoms given to you by the Constitution, and you do honor to it with your protests.

-Kyle Griffith McChesney

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Ye Old 180th Post....

Kind of hard to believe that this is the 180th time I have sat here staring at this stupid blinking bar thinking of something to write. School was been occupying so much of my time, I feel like everyone has probably given up reading this old rag. Life is just so much better here in Wisconsin. New Jersey was a dark chapter in my life, I really needed this to get my thoughts out. Man, there were days when writing in this blog was the most human interaction I had. Must say I am pretty glad that has changed.  I really bums me out that I no longer have time to write as much as I would like.
I have been trying to stay as up to date as possible on this whole Occupy "Revolution". I don't know what to think anymore. There is a lot of criticism directed at these guys, mostly directed and their often muddeled and sometimes conflicting. I just wish people had the ability to see through that. Dissenting minds always have the capacity to find fault with the people they disagree with. Look for the positives in the situation. At least people are doing something about IT. No one can deny that this country has been declining in almost all conceivable facets. Props to all of you occupiers for at least doing something about it.

In closing. They are a leaderless group. A gather of many different people from all walks of life. They might agree on somethings. They might disagree on other things. The fact that is important; they are there. They have been there for over two weeks. The ideas and opinions of 20 somethings fresh out of college are just as important as the views of everyone else.

-Kyle Griffith McChesney