Saturday, May 14, 2011

Thoughts on The Death of Speed Limits

So I drove on the Garden State Parkway/Turnpike today. From Brick to Newark to pick up my mother from the airport. I regret to inform everyone but speed limits (speeditus limitus) have gone extinct, at least here in the New Jersey area. Their numbers began to dwindle due to people going 55 in a 45, but my drive today confirmed that they have all been destroyed. The road ecosystem is suffering greatly, with cars wasting no time in taking advantage of the disappearance of the limits. I was coasting at 50mph, in an area that was once populated by a strong herd of 45mph speed limits. Cars flew passed me on both sides, sometimes at what I thought to be around 80 mph. While the NJ State Troopers pushed to have New Jersey speed limits put on the endangered species list, these efforts were blocked by the massive group of New Jersyans who are locked in a constant state of "in a really big hurry." Speed limits thankfully exist in the rest of the country, and world, but their absence is defiantly noticed out on the roads.

I am so funny right? But seriously people drive so fast out here it is absolutely ridiculous. There was not one person driving anywhere near the speed limit besides me. It is mindboggling to think the police actually enforce any kind of speed limits on those roads. I personally would be super pissed if I got one for going like 10 mph over the limit. First reason being that EVERY single person out there is going at least 10 over, while many are pushing 20 or even 30. Second, even a measly ten over means that you are not going with the flow of traffic. With cars passing you one both sides, it makes a very dangerous situation. Therefore speeding becomes a matter of survival out there. My dad told me to buck up, because I would need to get used to it eventually. My response being that I am going to college in September and plan NEVER to return to this horrible place.

Hard to make an 8 min song that is actually worth it to listen too. This one is a winner though. Speaking of worth it, reading the comments below this video filled me with so much "Shikaa" that I just wanna go longboarding man...If you don't know what "Shikaa" is, well then you are probably not very "chill".

-Kyle Griffith McChesney

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