Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Thoughts on The Siege

So doing the movie review thing tonight. Well perhaps not a review, more a suggestion and plot summary. Who cares what I call it, I watched some, but not all of The Siege and I must say I was pleasantly surprised. The movie came out in the late 80's / early 90's, I am guessing that due to the numerous references, it came out shortly after the terrorist attack in Beirut. So it basically takes the New York cop movie that everyone has seen, adds a dash of cover spy movie, and tops it off with some military action. The whole "dish" is seasoned very faintly with a political agenda, or more likely a warning against paranoia and racism. I was pulled away from the movie right as the *SPOILER ALERT* US army moves into NYC and sets up martial law. Through out the part of the movie that I did see, Denzel Washington and his merry band of FBI agents to their darnedest to stop a slew of terrorist attacks on New York City. The Twin-Towers loom eerily in many of the shots, adding a little more quirk to the movie. I think that either not a lot has changed since back when this movie was made, or that this movie is a very accurate view of the issue of terrorism. Either way it is both exciting and thought provoking. Also Bruce Willis is a total BA SO, how could you not like it???
Check it out!

As for the music tonight, I am going way back to 5th grade on this one. I have for you a little bit of Alien Ant Farm. I know deep down that this band is pretty damn terribad, and that no one in their right mind has listened to them since, again, 5th grade^^. In fact I remember exactly where and when I was when I received my copy of Anthology. The fact that I owned a CD, purchased from a local store, is proof enough that it was forever ago. It was Christmas Eve, we had convinced my mom that it would be okay if we opened the presents that us brothers had got for each other. There in the living room,  the light of the Christmas Tree shining forth in multi-chromatic glory, I tore off the festive wrapping paper and in some twisted way, birthed into my life an eternal love for Alien Ant Farm. I got there second album sometime later and was just as pleased. So Haters gonna Hate, but anyone that can cover MJ and make such stupendous puns with the word ant, definANTly deserves out ANTmiration. (that last word is admiration....not so easy is it!)

-Kyle Griffith McChesney

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