Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Thoughts on Blind Acceptance

I have been slacking majorly in the blog post department, but tonight I have a good rant. The topic is Blind Acceptance, a term I have coined to describe a phenomenon that really really irks me. What it boils down to in at a base level is the idea that a large majority of people will agree with something if they hear about it enough. I notice that in areas like health issues, and being "eco-friendly", blind acceptance occurs at an all time high. These areas shall be the main topics that I will talk about. I just get so upset when people just regurgitate what they have learned, constantly suggesting that you should take part in something because it is right, or it is the healthier choice.

Probably the worst case of Blind Acceptance has got to be the whole "High Fructose Corn Syrup" issue. Before I get into let me just preface by saying, Obesity is a huge problem in America and the reason for it is our diet. There are far to many calories in the food we eat. That being said I am so tired of hearing "High Fructose Corn Syrup" is the cause of obesity, it is a horrible refined sugar that is terrible for you. BUY this version of Stupid-Product, it has ZERO high fructose corn syrup. REAL ALL NATURAL SUGAR. The scientific fact is that High Fructose Corn Syrup is 99% the same as any other sugar out there. Fructose is the real name for Cane Sugar and it is no better for you then HFCS. There is a minuscule difference in the way your body metabolizes HFCS but it is insignificant. What happened was the Obesity Epidemic occurred and companies like Pepsi, Coke and other junk food peddlers started to take some serious flak for the high level of sugar in their products. Knowing how blind and ignorant a large majority of people are they started making the switch to "Real Cane Sugar". Pepsi Throw-Back is basically the best example of this. Ironically I think Throw-Back has way more sugar in it then normal Pepsi. So the smear campaign against HFCS continued on and people looked towards all natural cane sugar as the sweet tasting savior. Lately I have seen Corn Syrup commercials that are trying to inform people that it is not some evil sugar demon, let's hope it works.

As for being Eco-Friendly, this one really gets me. I am not as informed here so I will admit a lot of this will be opinion. Since I tend to be untrustworthy of people who are in the business of making money, and sometimes have a pessimistic streak my outlook can sometimes be bleak. Anyways, a couple of years ago consumers in America had an onslaught of eco-friendly products unleashed on them. It became the new thing to advertise that your product was eco-friendly. Whether you used less materials to create the packaging or you used less damaging chemicals in the creation of your product, green was definitely IN. I diverge here to again clarify somethings. I am not an idiot, I do agree that many companies have gone green, using less and have less waste is a great thing. I just think that many companies just jumped on the bandwagon, made GREEN claims and rode the profit wave that ensued.  I am referring to companies such as Arrowhead Water; a year or two ago they came out with a new design for their plastic water bottles. It was slimmer and each bottle proudly proclaimed that it was made with 20% less plastic. Well isn't that great. The company that uses and obscene amount of paper and plastic to sell tap water in tiny amounts has reduced the amount of plastic used to make each bottle. They are still contributing heavily to the pollution death machine running rampant across the world. But, not many people think that way, most are excited by Arrowhead's progressiveness. They happily support a company so invested in protecting the environment.

All I can say is do some research before you believe everything you hear! Don't just blindly accept things to be facts cause you hear them all the time and they seem like they are "good"
Night Night Folks...
Here is a great tune about those people I mentioned, the ones who have businesses in the business of making MONEY! I think it is also about Clear channel, a group that controls and censors songs and artists on radio stations. They deem what is safe music for people to hear. You know how me and Leftover Crack feel about that. It has a long intro...be patient...it is definitely worth it.


Saturday, May 28, 2011


Not much to say tonight. Tommorow is my birthday. Oh how things change in one year. Life is quite the trip, this song is about a trip, sort of. It works.


Friday, May 27, 2011

Thoughts on Internet

So a Senate Committee approved of a rather controversial bill today, and it will moving into the voting phase soon. The bill is known by most as the IP Act, the IP standing for intellectual property. It is, obviously, an anti-piracy bill designed to give private parties and the US gov an upgrade in their legal recourse when it comes to combating piracy. If the bill becomes a law, a website that  has copy write infringing content on it, Private parties or government entities can seize the website and all its assets with a simple court order. That tenant applies to domains located in the US. For foreign websites that have copy write infringement, the private parties or government can force search engines like Google to removed the website from their search engine, force Internet Service Providers to black list the sites, making them inaccessible to their customers. Lastly, they can force Advertisement and payment services such as Ad-Sense and Paypal to remove any ads or payment service from the website. This bill would strike a serious blow to the movement for an Internet uncensored by governments and corporations. It has been supported heavily by many large corporations in the TV, Motion Picture and Music industry. While many view it as an Anti-Piracy bill a large group of people fear the eventual abuse of the powers granted through this bill. Anonymous has already planned an attack on some government websites and what not. I think them taking a stand on a lot of issues lately is pretty cool. I think that sometimes they may be a little but over the top, and misdirected. Most of the time though their "attacks" are pointed and relevant. I have to agree that Internet censorship is a very bad thing, in countries like China and Egypt it has run rampant, but I think the seeds of similar systems are being planted right here in America. I think the whole piracy is rather ridiculous. I remember getting into an argument with my economics teacher from high school about it.  We went back and forth about whether or not it was stealing. Eventually I conceded that it was technically stealing, but it was so rampant and uncontrollable that it has become socially acceptable. It kind of comes back to the whole tragedy of the commons thing. If the individual makes the decision to not "illegally" download music, good for them and their morals. Millions of others will continue to have free music and the individual has to pay cold hard cash for his tunes, while the piracy continues to raise prices for him/her. Basically what is the point of not doing it.
To sum it all up, I don't want the government to choose what parts of the Internet I am able to see. Down with censorship!

-Kyle Griffith McChesney

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Thoughts on EAAARTHQUAKE!!!

So I read in the news today that 7 Italian Government Scientist's have been charged with manslaughter. Back in 2009 a massive earthquake occurred in Italy that left some 300 people dead. The 6 seismologists and one lead government official were members of a group put together to asses the level of earthquake risk in this area of Italy. The group was formed in response to a cluster of insignificant quakes across the fault line. From what I have read the fault line is a highly irregular one, consisting of several different tectonic plates intersecting with each other in multiple areas at a variety of different angles. In other words it is a seismic nightmare. The argument against this group of seven is that they should have predicted the large quake to occur and thus they should have warned the people of the danger so that they could prepare. Essentially they are being held responsible for the deaths because they were unable to psychically foresee an earthquake. I am not going into the geology behind earthquakes but I think that anyone who graduated from high school would have some idea about how they occur. For those of you that may not know, there is no possible way to forecast an earthquake. Unfortunately we are not able to accurately keep tabs on numerous rock layers miles under the earths surface. These charges are some of the most ridiculous things I have ever heard. I can not even begin to think of what may push a prosecutor to bring such ridiculous charges against someone. Then again I do not live in Italy so I guess I am not the best judge of it. That being said I was under the impression that Mussolini had been ousted a few years ago.
 On a lighter note is is some thing to rock you to sleep.
(This is a double pun)(I am extremely intelligent)(get it..cause Cradle of Filth) (Babies are often rocked to sleep in cradles)(It is also a rocking song)(I think explaining it kind of ruined it)

-Kyle Griffith McChesney

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Thoughts on The Stars and Beyond

Hello Person Reading blog,
The purpose of today's will be to discuss the future, if any, of this here blog. I have lately been feeling rather stagnat in my posting. I struggle all day with thinking of something to talk about, and sometimes I just draw a blank. A perfect example of this would be yesterdays post, if you could even call it one. The thing is that besides going to work I really do not do a whole lot, I am kind of in a lull in my life right now. In the fall when I head off to college I think I will have a whole lot more to talk about, however right now I am really hurting for subject matter. I have some ideas cooking in the old noggin of mine but what I could really use is some gosh darn feedback. I just have no clue what people get out of reading my blog. I do not know if you like my BSing type stuff or my more serious stuff. Frankly I don't even know if anybody even reads these things. So I guess what I am saying is if you are a person who reads this somewhat regularly and has some opinions, tips, criticism or anything at all to say about it, PLEASE email it to me (mbio.kyle@gmail.com) or leave a comment below. I think that if I do receive some input it will help revitalize my blog, if not maybe I will just give up. I am at a point where even I am tired of bitching about living in this shitty state, and if I am tired of writing about it, you guys must be really tired of reading about it.
Also, I love mini-golf. Played a wicked 2+ today at Black Beards Cove and no it is not a children's game. Paramore and Lykke Li have been some good listening today, nothing like great bands with girl singers.

This song is...well...something else...
-Kyle Griffith McChesney

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Thoughts on NO


(lazy tired nothing to say sorry)

Monday, May 23, 2011

Thoughts on My Day Off

Recipe for a good day off:
Sleeping in
Long hot shower
Cup of coffee
Copious amounts of junk food
The Internet
A good movie, maybe two

Start by sleeping in, as late as desired. Once ready to get out of bed prepare a hot shower. Be sure to not turn on any lights between bedroom and shower. Fall back asleep in shower. Once out of shower acquire coffee and "internetz" and return them to bed. Let sit for an hour or two and then stir in the copious amounts of junk food. Mountain Dew, frozen pizza, popcorn, mike-n-ikes, licorice, strawberries, chocolate chip ice cream, BBQ pork sandwich, roast beef and cheese sandwich. Then choose a desired movie to garnish the meal. I went for American Psycho today, and I am still a bit shaken by it. Quite a nuts movie, and rather "inappropriate". I now have some desire to read the book. Something about it being banned in numerous countries draws me to it. Only awesome books get banned in numerous countries.
LOOK! THEY USE SOUNDBITES FROM AMERICAN PSYCHO IN THE SONG. See how much thought I put into picking the songs everyday...I hope yall listen to them...

-Kyle Griffith McChesney

Thoughts on the 2am "Midnight Snack"

First of all I want to know who coined the phrase "midnight snack". Franky, I find it to be a narrow and close minded phrase. It is only usable in one time sensitive situation. I personally enjoy my late night snacks around 2 am. My suggestion for anyone up at that late hour would be to pop in a pair of blueberry pop-tart delights and find the largest cup in your whole house. Fill the cup with delicious cow juice (milk). Now listen up, this is the important part, take a small sip of milk but do not swallow it, then take a bite of pop-tart while the milk is still in your mouth. Let the milk and pop-tart parts mix together, they join together to form the most delicious taste in the entire world. Next step is to chew and swallow the pop-tart / milk concoction. Repeat as necessary. My favorites are blueberry pop-tart, with wild berry coming in a close second place, and of course SKIM milk. I despise whole milk with a fiery passion, it is like adding mayonnaise to skim milk...and do not get me started on mayo...
A rap song....that is a first for the blog. I listened to Jedi Mind all day at work today. No there is nothing gangster or hood about working at Target.

-Kyle Griffith McChesney

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Thoughts on the End of the World

So the world ended today guys...JK
I guess that Camping guy was wrong, maybe he had been BSing the whole time just to get money out of people. I guess everyone that gave up their lives and all their money to "get into heaven" is pretty SOL. I guess if I was going to devote my whole life (no matter how long it "may" last) to something, I would probably at least read the book it is centered around. That is probably asking to much though. Even if they do read it, the part that clearly says you can't buy your way into heaven, people will still be dumb. It amazes me the ways that people interpret the bible, and what actions they justify through said interpretations. If this whole end of the world thing is not enough, how about the one where Bill Nye the Science Guy gets booed of stage somewhere in Texas. What did Mr. Nye do to get booed? He mentioned that the moon glows only because light from the sun is reflected off of it. BUT THE BIBLE SAID GOD MADE TWO LIGHTS SO YOUR WRONG. The moon generating it's own light...You can't explain that.
It always amazes me the level of stupidity existent in the general population of the world. Amazes me and saddens me as well. Speaking of awesome people, how about the shopping cart I found today filled with two zip lock bags full of half melted ice, ten to fifteen band-aid wrappers and some blood covered pieces of gauze. THANKS FOR LEAVING THAT FOR ME. Learned to use the motorized cart pusher today, pretty much the most BA thing a cart attendant can do. Another weekend has come and gone in wonderful Brick, NJ. Stay tuned, have a wonderful evening!

This is how I feel sometimes....

-Kyle Griffith McChesney

Friday, May 20, 2011

Thoughts on New York City

As promised, here comes the awesome New-York-City-Cellphone-picture-orama. I know you have all been waiting so patiently for it, so I am happy to oblige yall. So after after a particularly gnarly day of work involving deep puddles and shoes with holes in them. When I got done I hopped on the bus and headed for the big city.
 I made these pics extra large to emphasize the low quality pictures my two year old phone. I am no photographer. Anyways, I think this may have been a picture of something important, but the bus was hauling ass so it turned out to be a random blur.  Moving on...

 Time freaking Square. This place, for those you have never been, is absolutely overwhelming. I visited NYC once before as a child and have frankly some bad memories of it. Reasoning being I was a tiny little child and this is not the place for children. There are so many freaking people, lights, cars and street performers. Saw the "naked cowboy" which was interesting...?

Rockefeller Center, I am pretty sure. So yeah this is where they put up the huge Christmas tree and ice rink. I felt it was photo worthy. If you disagree then I suggest you scroll right on down.

 This is the lobby of the Roosevelt Hotel. It is the hotel that Delta puts their pilots in on layovers. Conveniently some of said Delta pilots have families who live very close by. Which all adds up to a win for ME! The interesting thing about the Roosevelt Hotel is that its owners are Pakistani. I am not getting into the whole Pakistan/USA thing, I just think it is very funny that a hotel in the USA's biggest city, named after a very famous US president, would be owned by Pakistanis. Go Melting Pot Theory!

 View from outside the hotel room window. Eleven Floors up, creeping on the people in the office building next to us.

The Roosevelt Hotel....that is all.
Grand Central Station. This thing is a big freaking building. It is an absolute shocker to me that people where able to build such an impressive structure. Looks like a solid block of marble, the size of a city block was dropped there, and carved from the inside out.
 Speaking of insanely large marble buildings, here is another one for ya. Now I do not want to argue of the utility or importance of buildings. But this monster is a post office. Yeah the US Postal Service Palace in New York City.
The Obligatory Empire State Building Picture.

Okay, so these posters are absolutely everywhere. I am quite certain that New York law requires them to be displayed. They say Choking Victim on them, and give a detailed description of how to preform the Himelick Maneuver. Now you may ask why this is photo worthy, and I must answer that you should listen to more of my music. Choking Victim is like my favorite ska-ish punk band. The band started in New York City and I always wondered where there name came from and I figured it out. THESE SIGNS ARE THE KEY!!! Anyways, I feel like a more legit Choking Victim fan now that I figures out the mystery of their name. Yeah I am kind of a big deal.

Cool mural on the side of a school in Chelsea area. Gotta feed the hipsters!

So I had some other pictures that did not quite make the cut. Other notable stops where Urban Outfitters #1 and Urban Outfitters #2. I was able to resist my temptations and only bought one tee-shirt. It is pretty snazzy. It rained most of the afternoon and my mom and I were umbrella-less. It made for a rather miserable time, but made due. The most amazing thing about New York had to be the food. I had delicious pizza (obviously), but also satisfied my taste buds with curry and fish tacos. Also found some great coffee and baked goods all for a great price. New York is a wonderful city, a lot cleaner and safer then it used to be. Check it out! and stop by wonderful Brick, New Jersey!

 Kind of had to do this...

-Kyle Griffith McChesney

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Thoughts on Horrible Lazyness

So I did not get out of bed at all today. Minus the half hour spent out of bed putting together a grill with scooter. So my cool new york pictures were not uploaded to blog today. Deal with it! I am still tired from NYC trip, working tomorrow all day. When I get off I promise to post the pictures.

-Kyle Griffith McChesney

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Thoughts on blogging via iPod touch

My Dad has the coolest job ever. Not only does he get hooked up with a hotel room in downtown New York City, he also gets free wifi because he is technically on a delta airlines trip. You should all thank him for bringing you this blog post. Times square is one of the most intense places I have ever been in my life. Writing on my iPod is very taxing on the thumbs so I am going to keep this brief. I took some sick cellphone camera pics tonight and more tommorow. I will upload them when I am reunited with my one true love (laptop).

-Kyle Griffith McChesney

Monday, May 16, 2011

Thoughts on NYC

I am going to New York City tomorrow, for a day or two. I have been working way to much. Need to get to bed early. Also will not be taking my laptop to NYC. Basically all bad news for the blog. I promise to have a sick NYC trip blogposttypething when I get back. Please don't abandon me!

The way Nirvana was supposed to sound -> Bleach

-Kyle Griffith McChesney

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Thoughts on zzzz

Worked all day and night. Busiest day so far. I am dead. You lose. Sorry. Not really.
This is my cart pushing song right hurrrr!

-Kyle Griffith McChesney

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Thoughts on The Death of Speed Limits

So I drove on the Garden State Parkway/Turnpike today. From Brick to Newark to pick up my mother from the airport. I regret to inform everyone but speed limits (speeditus limitus) have gone extinct, at least here in the New Jersey area. Their numbers began to dwindle due to people going 55 in a 45, but my drive today confirmed that they have all been destroyed. The road ecosystem is suffering greatly, with cars wasting no time in taking advantage of the disappearance of the limits. I was coasting at 50mph, in an area that was once populated by a strong herd of 45mph speed limits. Cars flew passed me on both sides, sometimes at what I thought to be around 80 mph. While the NJ State Troopers pushed to have New Jersey speed limits put on the endangered species list, these efforts were blocked by the massive group of New Jersyans who are locked in a constant state of "in a really big hurry." Speed limits thankfully exist in the rest of the country, and world, but their absence is defiantly noticed out on the roads.

I am so funny right? But seriously people drive so fast out here it is absolutely ridiculous. There was not one person driving anywhere near the speed limit besides me. It is mindboggling to think the police actually enforce any kind of speed limits on those roads. I personally would be super pissed if I got one for going like 10 mph over the limit. First reason being that EVERY single person out there is going at least 10 over, while many are pushing 20 or even 30. Second, even a measly ten over means that you are not going with the flow of traffic. With cars passing you one both sides, it makes a very dangerous situation. Therefore speeding becomes a matter of survival out there. My dad told me to buck up, because I would need to get used to it eventually. My response being that I am going to college in September and plan NEVER to return to this horrible place.

Hard to make an 8 min song that is actually worth it to listen too. This one is a winner though. Speaking of worth it, reading the comments below this video filled me with so much "Shikaa" that I just wanna go longboarding man...If you don't know what "Shikaa" is, well then you are probably not very "chill".

-Kyle Griffith McChesney

Friday, May 13, 2011

Thoughts On It Not Being My Fault

Alright, so there was no post in my blog for yesterday, but it was not my fault. Blogger's website was down for some reason or another, Anonymous probably DDoSed it or something. If you don't get that joke go read the Internet some more. Anyway I had work early this morning but I did my best to stay up until the site came back up, cause I am that dedicated. Two things happened last night, neither of which had anything to do with writing a blog post. First, Blogger's website did not come back on, I checked in the morning and it was still under maintenance. Second, I woke up at 2:00 am, face first in my keyboard, with the backspace/screen saver beep noise constantly going off. Lesson learned, do not try to stay via leaving Netflix open and "watching" it. So after that I woke back up at 4 after driving a car into the Yellowstone River, back onto the road then through a grocery store, in a dream of course. Then my brothers messed up phone called me twice at 6 am. After that I tossed and turned until 8. All in all a pretty wonderful evening. I had such crazy dreams that I had to summarize them. Seriously though, does anyone have the problem where once every month or so there is just one night were you wake up five or six times, and have the most insane and vivid dreams ever. Oh and don't forget waking up covered in sweat. JUST figured it out, Leo must be trying to incept me, inception me? inceptionate me? What is the proper terminology for that?
I worked all day today and I am quite the tired turtle.

A sick Misfits cover, from the Underworld soundtrack. Fitting for creepyness for:
Happy Friday the 13th!

-Kyle Griffith McChesney

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Thoughts on The Siege

So doing the movie review thing tonight. Well perhaps not a review, more a suggestion and plot summary. Who cares what I call it, I watched some, but not all of The Siege and I must say I was pleasantly surprised. The movie came out in the late 80's / early 90's, I am guessing that due to the numerous references, it came out shortly after the terrorist attack in Beirut. So it basically takes the New York cop movie that everyone has seen, adds a dash of cover spy movie, and tops it off with some military action. The whole "dish" is seasoned very faintly with a political agenda, or more likely a warning against paranoia and racism. I was pulled away from the movie right as the *SPOILER ALERT* US army moves into NYC and sets up martial law. Through out the part of the movie that I did see, Denzel Washington and his merry band of FBI agents to their darnedest to stop a slew of terrorist attacks on New York City. The Twin-Towers loom eerily in many of the shots, adding a little more quirk to the movie. I think that either not a lot has changed since back when this movie was made, or that this movie is a very accurate view of the issue of terrorism. Either way it is both exciting and thought provoking. Also Bruce Willis is a total BA SO, how could you not like it???
Check it out!

As for the music tonight, I am going way back to 5th grade on this one. I have for you a little bit of Alien Ant Farm. I know deep down that this band is pretty damn terribad, and that no one in their right mind has listened to them since, again, 5th grade^^. In fact I remember exactly where and when I was when I received my copy of Anthology. The fact that I owned a CD, purchased from a local store, is proof enough that it was forever ago. It was Christmas Eve, we had convinced my mom that it would be okay if we opened the presents that us brothers had got for each other. There in the living room,  the light of the Christmas Tree shining forth in multi-chromatic glory, I tore off the festive wrapping paper and in some twisted way, birthed into my life an eternal love for Alien Ant Farm. I got there second album sometime later and was just as pleased. So Haters gonna Hate, but anyone that can cover MJ and make such stupendous puns with the word ant, definANTly deserves out ANTmiration. (that last word is admiration....not so easy is it!)

-Kyle Griffith McChesney

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Thoughts on "There's a first time for everything"

Learned a valuable lesson today: Guilt is a great motivator. I pride my self on being a good worker. Today however, I found out that there is a first time for everything. I was an idiot, misread my schedule, and had a nice relaxing morning. Around ten o'clock Target calls and informs me that my word day started at 9:30. I had done it, I had missed work. This was devastating news for me and I was at Target in 10 mins flat. Back to my thesis, I felt so guilty about being over and hour late that I worked my little bum off as hard as humanly possible. This fact paired with the current cart situation (being left to the wolves for an hour) meant that I had to work even harder to catch up. Basically, I was working three times harder out of guilt, and being way behind my work was doubled. W= (N x 3G)(N x 3G). There is the equation for how hard I worked. It was a hot day and I finished the day sweaty and exhausted. Thankfully I was not fired, but I has disgraced my name and my family. Goodnight!

Crispin Peters on Aesop Rock - "Im Aesop Rock, I say really weird shit that doesn't make a lot of sense but is really cool if your on drugs"

-Kyle Griffith McChesney

Monday, May 9, 2011

Thoughts on the Jersey Shore some more...

Yes that rhymed...and yes it was on purpose. Mom,Dad and I went walking on the boardwalk today, since the weather was very permitting. We all drove out to Seaside Heights, the home of the Jersey Shore TV show. If you have not noticed being the location of Jersey Shore is pretty much the only thing this area has going for it. That and having the most strip malls per square mile then any other city in the USA. I have heard that from a couple of people, not sure if it is true, but if not the most then it is most definitely second or third. I swear they just built roads. Then on both sides they built crappy shopping malls and filled them with Pizza shops, gyms, nail salons and grocery stores. It goes like that for miles! pizza, gym, salon, grocery, pizza, gym, salon, and on and on. After they built all that, all the people who owned and worked at said stores built houses. That my friends is how Brick New Jersey came to be. After awhile all the original owners retired, so a dozen retirement communities were built to house the retired owners.

Wow, lost track of the point there a bit. So we were walking on THE Jersey Shore boardwalk. Past all the booths and food stands from the show. I must say, looks like a pretty fun place to go in the summer. It was only half open but they seem to have a lot of fun activities there. We walked past the "Shore Shack" and the people there were preparing for the summer season. I walked right past the guy who owns the store, THE ONE FROM THE SHOW! Yes, I walked right past someone who had a somewhat regular role on a popular television show. Most exciting thing that has happened to me in quite some time.

Nintendocore FTW!

-Kyle Griffith McChesney

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Thoughts on New Jersey High School

So I have a cousin here in Jersey who is a senior right now and they are getting ready for prom which is next weekend. I was interested in comparing my high school and Prom experiences with the New Jersey High school. As for a normal weekend they are pretty much the same, but the way they do Prom is quite different. So Prom here starts at 7:00pm and it ends at 11pm. Everyone gets a limo to drive them to the dance and he doors close at like 7:10 and no one else is allowed in. You are not allowed to leave until the dance ends at 11. There is no after-prom party and most everyone goes right home. THEN, the kids all head to the shore (about an hour away) where groups of 15 some seniors have rented beach houses for the rest of the weekend and the 3 days off from school, called "senior week". So I understand having a strict prom, obviously to keep all the kids "safe and sober." But what do they think goes on at the co-ed unsupervised beach house all week. I think what we have here is a prime example of people not wanting to deal with an issue or problem, so they just send it away from their town and pray for the best. Either that our parents here are super-duper naive but I doubt that. I think the school is completely insane, to be so strict at their dance, BUT then aid in the teenage debauchery by giving the kids three days off. Way to cover your ass guys. I spent about 45 mins at my Prom, and did not get back home till like 4. I was safe and sober all night though so I guess I shouldn't really be talking about this. I just wanted to give people a different view of high school prom. Hope you found it interesting.

On a different note, i ha d the cursed register lane at Target today. My scanner gun would stop working half way through, there was random receipts all over and the change "bins" were broken so they would leak over into the bills. I had dimes and pennies stuck inbetween my fives and ones. I had a wonderful night at work.

You get scremo today. Deal with it KAY

-Kyle Griffith McChesney

Saturday, May 7, 2011


please don't hate me.
Hey actually, I always wonder like how many people read my blog daily. I have like 1600 page views so I know people are at least visiting the blog, but half the time I write about not having anything to write about, and saying sorry for letting you guys down. I am wondering tonight if I am in fact letting anybody down. I guess it is pretty cocky of me to just think that people actually care about my blog. In otehrwords I am dying from some feed back from anyone reading. So please feel free to COMMENT, FOLLOW or shoot me an email, mbio.kyle@gmail.com
Thanks For Reading!

I don't know what the deal with the video is, only one with the full song

-Kyle Griffith McChesney

Thoughts on Staying up too late

Stayed up way to late tonight, blasting evil zombies on the internetz. Due to this the quality of this blog post has been affected. Proceed with auditory stimulation...

These guys shred!

-Kyle Griffith McChesney

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Thoughts on some pretty deep stuff...

So as promised I spent my day coming up with something of significance to blog about. What I ended up with was going to the beach, walking on the board walk and having a very interesting conversation. Don't ask me how we got into such a random topic, but basically we were "arguing" how to live ones life in relation to other people. Pretty broad sounding topic but it got rather pointed during the discussion. I centered my argument around the topic of the ocean, seeing as how we were right next to it. Basically my view has a lot to do with the tragedy of the commons. If you don't know exactly what that is I will summarize. Any resource, commodity or space that is available to everyone in an uncontrolled capacity will without fail be abused by someone. The ocean is literally the textbook example of the TOC theory, it was in my Biology textbook. So fishing in the ocean my be controlled in countries, perhaps like the USA. Our government regulates how many fish, what kinds of fish, etc. etc. The tragedy is that the USA is not the only country that is fishing the oceans. All countries in the world share the same ocean and some countries may not be as "developed" as the USA and thus their regulation on ocean fishing may not be up to par. I go a bit beyond "up to par" and say that due to the greedy streak in human kind, some people out there will just grab as much fish as they possibly can. So while some countries try to regulate and protect the ocean and it's fish, other countries or groups of people could careless. They earn money off the fish and no one can really control how much fish they take from the ocean. So eventually the ocean runs out of fish. But wait! we here in the USA regulated our fishing. We made sure to only take what the ocean could replenish and were careful not to damage the ecosystem, why do we get screwed out of the deal. That is because not everyone cares as much as you do and did abuse the system if you will. So the final result is that no one has any fish, and the regulations by the USA may have stalled the inevitable outcome, but did not change it. So my opinion is that why not live life acknowledging that in situations where something similar to the TOC could occur, BE REALISTIC. Don't short-change yourself under the pretenses of saving the planet, or taking the moral high road, when in reality all you are doing is stepping out of the way for the less moral, and more greedy person to come and abuse the situation. I must clarify that I take this view on some but not all issues. I am not saying live life as an immoral and greedy bastard, all I am saying is that people need to put some thought into their actions, question whether they do certain things because they are actually helpful to a situation or if they are simply portrayed by society as being "positive".

As for my mother, I will do my best to summarize it. It is her view and if I miss represent it she will have me fix it. I think that: My mom's view is that in these situations, like being active in ecological preservation work, the outcome is more or less irrelevant. You take the action because you are true to yourself, and you feel that it is the right thing to do. Whether or not you may be hurt by the eventual outcome is again irrelevant. You took action in a positive manner because you felt that it was the right thing to do. In the end the only thing you have control over is yourself. No matter what happens to you, no matter what people do to harm you, they can never control how you think or feel about it.

I think that she thinks I am to cynical, but I think I am just being realistic....
What do you think?

-Kyle Griffith McChesney

Thoughts on a Sad Sad Day...

So today is a sad sad day. Well actually, technically yesterday was the sad day. I was brushing my teeth tonight, after a long day of hard work. Then the horrid news dawned on me. I did not post on the blog yesterday. Yes, I know I promised that I would post at least once a day. I stuck to it pretty darn well. It was really not my intention to miss a day. I was very tired, again from working at Le Tarjeay Market, passed out and forget all about it.I feel absolutely terrible. I feel like I let you guys down so much. When I say you guys I am speaking to the fictional group of people who supposedly read my blog. Anyways, I really do not have a lot to say. Working a lot, I can cashier now. I feel it is a life time skill to be able to press buttons on a keyboard. I have two days off, I believe I will do something blog worthy with them. Goodnight, again much apologies, please don't leave me!

-Kyle Griffith McChesney

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Thoughts on People who are Idiots

Oh man, I feel a rant coming. But just to be safe I am going to censor out names and key subjects so that I could really be ranting about anything. So in the wake of Event A and the ensuing storm of Thing A, I am reminded about a much more centralized version of Thing A. I go and check up on Thing B, since I have not checked it out in quite some time. My mother had told me of a quite, well, comical bit of text on Thing B. I proceeded to check it out, and sure enough I chuckled. Then I got really pissed off. Upon further research on Topic 1, I find that nothing has changed with Thing B. The people who work for Thing B are clearly incompetent, or are not concerned in any way about the quality of Thing B. I see so many parallels between Thing A and Thing B, it is sickening. I feel that all people involved in both the Things are motivated entirely by self-interest. They focus only on gaining attention and inevitable money. They could give 2 Sh!%$ about how their actions might effect the world and it disgusts me. In the end Thing A and Thing B are really one in the same. Let us call them Super-Thing.

I think the worst part about Super-Thing is that its existence is based solely on the fact the Unintelligent People feed the Super-Thing. They are blinded by Super-Thing's "knowledge" and they blindly follow it's every command. Now I am not saying that all people's are part of Unintelligent, there are plenty that see Super-Thing for what it really is. Unfortunately, Unintelligent exist in large enough numbers to support the Super-Thing, so it continues on. I hate all of them. They bring only bad to the world, and only serve to insight conflict between people. I wish people would be so much more moderate in their thinking. Being so stuck in one mind set blinds people from the truth. People need to wake up and see what is really going on.

Rant over. Sorry if it does not make sense. If any of you still read this in a year or two remind me and I'll explain it.

-Kyle Griffith McChesney

Monday, May 2, 2011

Thoughts on This Evenings News

 So I am guessing most everybody reading this has already seen the news. Osama Bin Laden is dead, by the hands of US military. I cannot help but feel damn proud to be an American today. I do not agree with everything our country does, but this strike by our military is absolutely justified and all Americans involved in the strike should receive very high honors. Living so close to New York City, you can feel the pain and sorrow that still lingers here from the 9/11 attacks. I am pleased by the knowledge that many people in New York and Jersey have finally received the justice they deserved.

All that being said, I am also worried by this news. I hope that our country can heed President Obama's words, stop arguing about irrelevant and unimportant issues, *cough* birth certificate *cough* and start to focus on addressing some of the serious issues facing our country. I am also worried about retaliation by terrorists around the world. The USA, and the world have enough on its plate. Also, I have friends in Iraq and I am very worried about them.
God that was some serious stuff. How about some humor to lighten the mood. So being the slightly paranoid and over-reactive person I am, I freaked out a little bit this evening. My mom busts down my door around 10:00, tells me to shut off the video games. Dad just called, breaking news, Obama to speak, matter of National Security. So I am thinking worst-case scenario now, either USA being invaded by a foreign country or some kind of extra-terrestrials, (or Zombies-always a possibility). I am up in a flash, and I have a plan.

1.Tell Crispin- I was already on Skype with him so that was easy

2. Get ready- Grabbed some shoes and a sweatshirt; it is pretty warm here so I am good there. I then proceed to start filling the bathtub with water.

Now you may ask: Kyle, Why are you taking a bath right now?

Well, if it were WWIII, you never know when those water pipes might stop working. When the water does run dry, it would have been mighty nice to have a whole bathtub full of water to drink.

3. Get Information- Go to the living room, News is on, sit down and watch. CNN announces Bin Laden is dead. So now I feel kind of stupid, my mom is giving me a "wtf r u doin" face, asking me why I am all dressed to get in the bathtub. Turn bath water off, get some popcorn and sit down. Calm, Watch news.

Hokay guys Goodnight,

God Bless America!

For real though, Fuck Yah America
-Kyle McChesney