Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Thoughts on..OOHHHHH WA%@$!%

So today was day off, some old friends came down from NYC for some good new-fashioned time at the Jersey Shore. After the dentist visit (my teeth are pretty good at being teeth apperentally...) we went over to Brick Beach #1 and set up beach camp. It was a cloudy day, a fairly strong wind was blowing. Not exactly prime weather for my first summer day at the Shore. There were probably five other people at the beach, every one wa very non-chalant. So I walk out into the water, the icy cold water wading around my ankles, as I survey the vast expanse of sea I see a black flicker in my proliferal vision. Now I am not sure if I have explained this but me and the ocean have a deal. Basically we are chill as long as I am no more then like 10 feet out and there is no living marine life near me. This flash of movement really freaked me out. I did not say anything at first, I was not sure I saw anything and did not want to be a "sissy". I slowly back out of the water and watch the area where I saw the thing. All of a sudden...yeah WHALE. There is a freaking whale like 20 feet of the shore and this thing breaches the surface and spouts a huge plume of water. It dives back under and swims up the coast. We followed it for awhile and basked in the beauty of it all. It had to be at least 15 ft long, I am no Whaleologist, but it looked like a Humpback Whale. Not sure but either way it was, for lack of better words, a legit whale. Pretty intense first trip to the shore.

After that we went to Seaside Heights. It was crowded, trashy and dirty. Like the TV show. So to complete the tile of the Blog..."OHHHHHHH WWHHAAAALLLLEEEE!!!!" You will notice that is in quotations, if anyone can tell me what that quote is from..I will give you 100 Internets.

Song semi-related to topic of post..skill


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