Thursday, June 9, 2011

Thoughts on Today

In an EPIC display of reading ability, Kyle shows up for work prepared for 6 long hours outside in the hot sun. The heat was prepared to make Kyle's day a living hell, 100 degree weather with heaps of humidity loaded on top. My schedule for today was Carts- 9:30 - 4:00 then Cashier 4:00 - 6:00, OR SO I THOUGHT. I got to work and found out much to my joy that I was actually Cashier for 6 hours then carts for only two. This was great because it was unbearably hot out today. Now my schedule consists of mostly cashier, so obviously here comes the rain. Am I the only person that this happens too, you know, when the weather seems to know your schedule. It happens to me all the time, working 8 hour shifts outside = 95 and humid, DAY OFF?!?! Rainy and cloudy. This always used to happen to me in Montana too, when I would be going to work at La Tinga starting at 6 am it would without fail be snowing. Now this is not so ridiculous in Montana in winter. But darn'nit if it did not snow those mornings from about November through June. The season did not matter, if I was getting up early to go to work, it was snowing. So as I sit here listening to the rain pour and the thunder clap, I have this to say. Weather, I am on to you!
But seriously today I was able to trick the weather So I WIN.


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