I wish I had seen this sooner, would have saved me so much time and effort. All that time writing, or better, bitching about New Jersey. Trying to explain to you all what kind of place it is, what some people here are like. I still see things that blow me away, mostly I can only laugh. I guess if you grew up here you are used to seeing people dump garbage all over the place, pass someone through an intersection by driving on the shoulder. But this bumper sticker really sums it all up. People must just be really angry, for whatever reason, and they take out their anger by acting like idiots. I want to say this right now, not everyone in New Jersey is horrible. Many are normal, or even exceptionally kind. But there are some folks here that are just out of control. Anyways back to the awesome bumper sticker. It requires some explanation for those that do not live in New Jersey. The logo is that of the Garden State Parkway. People from New Jersey tell other people from New Jersey the location of their residence by giving the Parkway Exit it is closest too. So yah it is a pretty big deal here. It is also one of the most horrifying roads I have ever driven on. All the crazy driving-ness is implicate by a power of ten on the parkway. It is not a fun place to drive. So yah it is a very angry place, and it sort of brings the whole state together. Hats off to the owner of this bumper Sticker. I was very amused.
As for the tune-age, I am very excite. I have been waiting patiently to drop this one. Children of Bodom are a European metal band. They rock my socks off on a daily basis, AND they have a kick ass keyboard player. I have to say that the addition of the keyboard really makes them a super awesome band. They might just be my favorite metal band. Also (to my knowledge) have never made the "soft power ballad" that most metal bands usually make. So props to them. Bodom forever!
where can i find this sticker? been searching everywhere for it