I spent the majority of my afternoon doing all my taxes and stuff. Being a gypsy I had a little extra work then most, income in two different states and all. I began to question how everyone gets their taxes done. I had a crazy math teacher who made us fill out fake taxes every year and graded us and stuff. I guess it is a good thing because now I can do them by myself for the most part. good thing Scooter has a hella tax skills as well, otherwise I would still be doing it. Filling out your taxes is kind of interesting though, you get to see exactly how much money they take from you. I was kind of mad because I made like 1000 dollars in New Jersey and according to their kooky tax bracket I owed 21 dollars. Now in my paychecks it automattically took out state tax, to the amount $20.22. I now have to write a check for like .70 something cents to the state of New Jersey. As for Montana, I will get all my taxes back, which is good because I don't have any desire to give the state any money at all. Either way though, today I feel like a functioning member of society, paying taxes and stuff...a weird feeling. I think I am still to young for all this buisness. Childhood seems like such a short time ago.
Oh Well...
On to the internet. The wireless here in Flow-rida has been super duper slow. It all started on April 1st so I convinced my self that hackers slowed down the internet as an April Fools prank. Obviously wrong, but when resetting the modem doesn't fix the problem I get really pissed off. I am very impatient about slow internet so you are all lucky I am even enduring it long enough to write a blog. Back to Jersey soon, were the weather is cold...but the internet is fast.
-Kyle Griffith McChesney
my quick internet let me post this comment super quick