Friday, April 22, 2011

Thoughts on Radio Free Steegler...Again

Live: 10:15 EST Saturday Night!!
So after a little brainstorming and research the whole Radio Free Steegler Idea is back in business. Our channel is still waiting verification by but it can be viewed via or maybe on this page if i can figure out the embed. We will be broadcasting around 10:15 EST tomorrow night. Please come check out our stream, log into the chat and talk with us. We will be talking about life, playing some games of some sort, watching videos, listening to music and god knows what else.

Otherwise this shall be quite a lame post. Here is a not lame song. Enjoy your weekend

-Kyle Griffith McChesney


  1. by the way thats 8:15 out here in the west fyi

  2. so thats how timezones work??
    Thanks for clearing that up...
    what do you know about magnets cause they been causing me trouble...
