Saturday, April 2, 2011

Thoughts on Rebuilding

Wow amazing would it be to be able to take part in the rebuilding of a country? Maybe it is all this revolution going on in the middle east that has me going, but I think that would be a pretty crazy experience to live through. Granted it would be really sucky to live in a country that was ripping itself apart from the inside, but if you survived the anarchy and everything, it would be pretty darn good story to tell your grand kids. "Back in my day we had to walk ten miles through the snow and back to set up a new government for our whole country!"

I guess the whole problem with the idea of Anarchy is that it is human nature to band together and create laws, I'm sorry punks, you can fight the government all you want but once it is all gone, human nature will most defiantly bring it back. I think the whole concept of anarchy would be cool for about a week. The freedom to do whatever the heck you want to do. After that it would get really scary and dangerous, everyone would miss their government, control, laws and safety and eventually re create it and we would be right back to square one. I guess the Sex Pistols had it all wrong...what a shame...

On a lighter note, my uncle has the cutest cat ever. He is a ginger kitty named Lucky that my uncle found on the side of the street and saved. Skittish little thing but cute all the same. I love cats...

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