Working at Target now. It is like Costco minus 1000 rude New Jersey-ans. Granted there are still a lot of people who come to the store they seem less rude than the Costco crowd. What I figured out, in many hours of pondering in the parking lot, is that people pay for a membership to Costco and I guess because of that fact they feel almost entitled to be rude A-holes. Target has no membership fee so I guess people are more cordial. What it comes down to is how far away from the cart corral's people leave carts. Costco the average was about a football field length, while Target is usually only a couple of yards. Much appreciated >.< Another difference between the two is that Costco is populated almost completely by retired folk. At Target I see more younger people, people my age, who could almost be my friends. Then I remember I don't have friends, haha. I am learning to be a cashier tomorrow, so that is pretty exciting. After tomorrow I have two days off. Also excite. Got to enjoy the little things. Sorry if this sounded a tad whiny, I hate the world today.
-Kyle Griffith McChesney
Saturday, April 30, 2011
Thoughts on...oh I don't even know
I had an extremely uneventful and I am tired. I have nothing to say...and just to make it worse, I picked a grimy and pretty much terrible song. GWAR for life.
-Kyle Griffith McChesney
-Kyle Griffith McChesney
Friday, April 29, 2011
Thoughts on the "Royal Wedding"
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It was not that long ago...TRY TO REMEMBER! | I am going to rant now and I shall place my cross-hairs on this whole royal wedding thing we have all heard so much about. My first (and I think strongest point) is Why does anybody care about it? Especially people here in America. Last I checked we fought a revolutionary war just to get away from those damn British monarchs and now everyone here is shivering with excitement over watching their wedding on TV, YouTube and god knows where else. I am pretty sure that God gives websites and TV channels the birthright to air the Wedding. Not every common TV channel can air the royal wedding. Sorry sidetracked by sarcasm...Back to the point. We live in America and since the Monarchs in Britain are more or less all for show, why do we even care. All they are over-hyped movies stars just with WAY more money and more fans. Give it a year or so and I bet they will have their own reality TV show and the Princess will have her own perfume line.
Beyond the question of why we care about the British Monarchy is the question of why the British Monarchy still exists. I am by no means an expert in European History (I opted for AP Biology instead DUH), but I know a bit about the History of our country, the History of the world and A fair bit about WWII. It was my recollection that their was a pretty massive uprising against the Monarchical system of government, and for good reason. When a mass of very poor angry people are ruled by a small group of extremely rich elitists, well, people get beheaded. French, Russia and USA all overthrow or in our case rebelled against are Monarch rulers and it was always bloody. From those rebellions were born more effective and fair systems of government. The United Kingdom has a perfectly good system of government. They just decided to keep the monarchs around for whatever reason. How could you not want to idolize the universal symbol for tyranny, oppression and horrendous financial imbalance. I am sure others exist but to my knowledge the U.K. and Suadi Arabia are the only countrys that still have kings and queens, so that is good I suppose. My mom said they are good Monarchs now and that they do a whole lot of good charity work. I am guessing if Willy and Kate eloped and got married in a tiny chapel alone and donated all the wedding money to charity, hungry people all over the world could be eating wonderfully, I imagine they could even afford cake.
The sun never sets on the telecast of the Royal Wedding...
Not the most original, but it fit so well, had to be done.
-Kyle Griffith McChesney
Thursday, April 28, 2011
Thoughts on Some Pretty Cool Stuff
So the big viewer push for the livestream show was tonight and I must say it was pretty darn amazing. We are still an "unverified" livestream channel so we have a 50 viewer limit on our show and darn if we didn't reach that limit. Among other accomplishments Crispin and I both completed the cinnamon challenge, and Crispin ate some 7 huge night crawlers, chugged a gallon of milk, and god knows what else. We also tried to sneak in some discussion and show some stuff, but the people watching were pretty adamant about watching Crispin gorge himself. We are both super stoaked about everyone coming to watch but really hope that in the future people will come to watch other not gross food eating challenges. The hard part is going to be coming up with ideas. As always if you have any please comment!
I also had wonderful orientation at Target today. Surprisingly, the usual ridiculous orientation videos were not all that bad. Most of the time they basically consist of saying "It is bad to curse at and blow of customers", "don't steal from us" and "throwing trash on the ground is bad". These videos were actually pretty darn good, like set out good guidelines on how to approach people and stuff. Not that it really matters though since I am going to be rockin the carts. When the lady mentioned training me to drive the Cart Puller vehicle thing I almost peed. While working at Costco I actually had dreams about a motorized cart puller. My dream has come true...I love you Target!
Also did I mention the blog has over 1000 page views??!?! I am so freaking Internet famous it is awesome. Owe it all to you guys and gals who read my stupid blog. Thanks a bunch!
Good song...Sadly this band changed their style after this.
-Kyle Griffith McChesney
I also had wonderful orientation at Target today. Surprisingly, the usual ridiculous orientation videos were not all that bad. Most of the time they basically consist of saying "It is bad to curse at and blow of customers", "don't steal from us" and "throwing trash on the ground is bad". These videos were actually pretty darn good, like set out good guidelines on how to approach people and stuff. Not that it really matters though since I am going to be rockin the carts. When the lady mentioned training me to drive the Cart Puller vehicle thing I almost peed. While working at Costco I actually had dreams about a motorized cart puller. My dream has come true...I love you Target!
Also did I mention the blog has over 1000 page views??!?! I am so freaking Internet famous it is awesome. Owe it all to you guys and gals who read my stupid blog. Thanks a bunch!
Good song...Sadly this band changed their style after this.
-Kyle Griffith McChesney
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
Thoughts on Being Sick
I was so very sick today. I have not been sick for like a year, until today. I have no idea what caused it, but I suspect it had to do with the gratuitous amounts of Easter candy that I consumed. I do not know if there is such a thing as candy poisoning, and why I have never gotten it before today. Either way I threw up a bunch and spent all day in bed. I did download Gimp (horrible name I know), which is a sweet open source photoshop program. I have been teaching myself to use it and made a pretty sweet title bar for the Livestream channel. My plan is to re-design the whole blog myself, making it super custom and "artsy". Maybe tomorrow after work...cause my Target training date got moved to tomorrow. Which is way better then May 6th. Time to make the money.
Here is a depressing song with a girl singer. I don't have many of these...
-Kyle Griffith McChesney
Here is a depressing song with a girl singer. I don't have many of these...
-Kyle Griffith McChesney
Monday, April 25, 2011
Thoughts on Radio Free Steegler Veiwer Push
So our second show was kind of a flop. But we had a wonderful idea. For the next show (Wednesday 8:15 MST / 10:15 EST) we are going to have a viewer push. So for every five people who come and watch the show Crispin will eat a worm, or a teaspoon of cinnamon, or some other terrible thing. SO PLEASE tell your friends, post on facebook or what ever other cool social network you are a part of. The more people that we get the more awesome it will be. To submit ideas for things Crispin will have to do email us at or comment here. I DID PHOTOSHOP....anyone who is good with photoshop like software...please help.
I did a bunch of college stuff today, besides having a failed livestream show. I know so much in one day. I have Orientation, called SOAR, in June. Personally when think about something called SOAR, it makes me think of some horrible 80's power ballad. Like soaring on the wings of love or some ridiculous lyrics like that.I would rather go see an 80's band called SOAR then go take a bunch of placement tests for subjects I have not thought about for a year now. I guess this is the time when the whole take a year off thing turns out to suck a whole bunch. I muy forgot how to habar espanol, and just thinking about thinking about Calculus has me shaking in my knickers. Need to find time to study inbetween all my internet ventures I guess.
-Kyle Griffith McChesney
I did a bunch of college stuff today, besides having a failed livestream show. I know so much in one day. I have Orientation, called SOAR, in June. Personally when think about something called SOAR, it makes me think of some horrible 80's power ballad. Like soaring on the wings of love or some ridiculous lyrics like that.I would rather go see an 80's band called SOAR then go take a bunch of placement tests for subjects I have not thought about for a year now. I guess this is the time when the whole take a year off thing turns out to suck a whole bunch. I muy forgot how to habar espanol, and just thinking about thinking about Calculus has me shaking in my knickers. Need to find time to study inbetween all my internet ventures I guess.
-Kyle Griffith McChesney
Sunday, April 24, 2011
Thoughts on Easter or Springtime if you want to be all PC
Happy Easter or Spring time if you want to be"accepting" of every one's views. I am not sure at this point in my life what to believe but I was in Sunday School as a kid so I know what Bible Easter is all about. Frankly, I find it very ironic how with most christian holidays all the "traditions" come from pagan tribes and their crazy rituals. Egg laying bunny rabbits don't have a whole lot to do with some one ascending the gap between mortal and immortal / coming back to life. It all probably comes from some crazy tribal fertility voodoo spell from ancient Russia. I mean we have all heard the thing about Santa Clause and how he originated as a public-urinating magic mushroom eating shaman. If you have not heard, the idea of Santa probably originated from some tribal group that had the tradition of their shaman eating a bunch of magic mushrooms and then climbing through every one's chimneys and peeing in cups left out for him. Then everyone would drink the pee and get a residual high from them. I am just guessing that the flying reindeer came shortly there after. The Christmas tree was German, I do believe, and was originally used to ward away the evil darkness spirits.
Anyways back to the Holiday at hand. Easter coincides with the start of springtime, (in most places...HOPE IT DUMPS SNOW IN MONTANA) it was like 85 and humid today. Spring time means new life for most plants and animals. So obviously the egg is a great symbol. The expression hump like rabbits is all I really need to mention and combine the two and you get the Easter bunny. The irony comes into play when you think that in a great many cases Old Time Christians probably did the best to convert all the so called "tribal bands" and eliminate their pagan rituals. Now all the major Christian Holidays are based mostly on these rituals. Pagans- 1 Christians - 0.
I talked about religion, symbolism and irony. Feels like a freaking essay. Here is a song about one side of the argument. If your easily offended I would not press play.
-Kyle Griffith McChesney
Anyways back to the Holiday at hand. Easter coincides with the start of springtime, (in most places...HOPE IT DUMPS SNOW IN MONTANA) it was like 85 and humid today. Spring time means new life for most plants and animals. So obviously the egg is a great symbol. The expression hump like rabbits is all I really need to mention and combine the two and you get the Easter bunny. The irony comes into play when you think that in a great many cases Old Time Christians probably did the best to convert all the so called "tribal bands" and eliminate their pagan rituals. Now all the major Christian Holidays are based mostly on these rituals. Pagans- 1 Christians - 0.
I talked about religion, symbolism and irony. Feels like a freaking essay. Here is a song about one side of the argument. If your easily offended I would not press play.
-Kyle Griffith McChesney
Thoughts on the First Show!
So I we had our first show tonight and all things considered I think it went really well. We had probably ten people tune in, not all at the same time but still pretty cool. We got on omegle and joked around, checked out some sweet youtube videos and made fun of Crispin. Most importantly though, we had a good time and that is all that matters. Other then that I did nothing today. Blog is almost to 1000 views keep up the good work guys. Anyways I am really tired so this is all I have to say. Please tune in on Monday around 10:15 EST for our second show!
A song and I am out
-Kyle Griffith McChesney
A song and I am out
-Kyle Griffith McChesney
Friday, April 22, 2011
Thoughts on Radio Free Steegler...Again
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Live: 10:15 EST Saturday Night!! |
Otherwise this shall be quite a lame post. Here is a not lame song. Enjoy your weekend
-Kyle Griffith McChesney
Thoughts on: New Design
I am a complete and total idiot. I have had this blog for a few months now, and despite some very small changes, I have done nothing in the way of aesthetic improvement. While this could be the cause of any number of things: laziness, lack of free time or even computer ineptitude. Unfortunately for me the the cause is stupidity, on my specifically. From the blogspot "dashboard" I would click on the Designer Template tab and launch the niffty Designer app. From this point everything failed. The Designer would never load, none of the buttons would work, and the ones that did work warned me that they did not apply to my blog. I was very troubled by this, I posted on the help forum and tried every day for a week. I reset my router, refreshed the page and even restarted my computer. None if it worked and I eventually gave up for a while. Now I have a wonderful Firefox add-on know as AdBlocker that valiantly protects me from ads on an almost hourly basis. As a eventually figured out, it also was protecting me from the horrible Blogspot Designer Template. Opened up a Safari window and Taa Daa...New Fonts and a cool red background. I am pretty pleased with the new look of the blog...hope you all like it as well.
Getting real close to 100 page views! woot!
Here is a song in celebration of the wonderful new background...
-Kyle Griffith McChesney
Getting real close to 100 page views! woot!
Here is a song in celebration of the wonderful new background...
-Kyle Griffith McChesney
Thursday, April 21, 2011
Thoughts on Target and Words with Friends
Went to my Target interview today, and I defiantly owned it. They offered me a seasonal position as a cart attendant. I am pretty stoaked. On to actual blog post:
So I have been playing this game Words With Friends, and even thought they ripped off Scrabble completely, it is extremely entertaining. It is really cool to have a multitude of different games going on against a bunch of different people. I think the idea of taking Scrabble and "Social Network-a-tizing" it is pretty clever. It is unfortunate that I don't have a Facebook or a Twitter to link my Words with Friends account to but oh well. I was searching for the full version of Words with Friends, I hate AD's!, and I discovered something pretty terrible. I found three or four websites that allowed you to enter all your letters and letters on the board that you could play. It then calculated the best word possible with the letters given. Words with Friends cheat websites? That must be a new low. Cheating in games like that is so meaningless to begin with, you do not earn anything. Compounded with the fact that you are playing with, in most cases, close friends of yours, you have a pretty horrible situation. If you use these WwF cheat sites you really suck at life. That is all I have to say!
and now for some music....
-Kyle Griffith McChesney
So I have been playing this game Words With Friends, and even thought they ripped off Scrabble completely, it is extremely entertaining. It is really cool to have a multitude of different games going on against a bunch of different people. I think the idea of taking Scrabble and "Social Network-a-tizing" it is pretty clever. It is unfortunate that I don't have a Facebook or a Twitter to link my Words with Friends account to but oh well. I was searching for the full version of Words with Friends, I hate AD's!, and I discovered something pretty terrible. I found three or four websites that allowed you to enter all your letters and letters on the board that you could play. It then calculated the best word possible with the letters given. Words with Friends cheat websites? That must be a new low. Cheating in games like that is so meaningless to begin with, you do not earn anything. Compounded with the fact that you are playing with, in most cases, close friends of yours, you have a pretty horrible situation. If you use these WwF cheat sites you really suck at life. That is all I have to say!
and now for some music....
-Kyle Griffith McChesney
Tuesday, April 19, 2011
Thoughts on Target!
So I got an interview/call back from Target. They want to have me apply for the an over night stocking job, but I suggested they play to my skills and have me be a cart boy. The way I see it is that I do not want to become one of those over night shift day time zombie people. I can never fall asleep in the daytime anyways, so I would end up never sleeping and living off coffee and Redbull, being a total sprack ball. But best of all they have a little electric cart that you ride when your collecting carts, which is freaking awesome. Other then that I have nothing much to say today, Wish me luck at interview tomorrow!!
Here is a song for you. I am thinking of posting a song everyday or on weekends. I dunno if you care enough tell me what yah think.
-Kyle Griffith McChesney
Here is a song for you. I am thinking of posting a song everyday or on weekends. I dunno if you care enough tell me what yah think.
-Kyle Griffith McChesney
Sunday, April 17, 2011
Thoughts on my Summer Activities
So I was walking in ma Hood today, said Hood being Lions Head South retirement community, when I came across the Pool area. I remembered the pool from my childhood so no surprises there. What I had not remembered was the freaking shuffleboard court that they have set up. Shuffleboard, for those of you who do not know, is a "sport" that gangster old people play involving round disks that you push/slide/shuffle down a long mat and try to land in the 10 triangle. I made my up my mind right then and there that this summer I was going to play shuffleboard as much as possible. I don't have much else to do and It seems like a pretty awesome game. My other choices were tennis or boche ball, I think I made the right choice.
Can't you just see it now??
-Kyle Griffith McChesney
Can't you just see it now??
-Kyle Griffith McChesney
Thoughts on Storms and Being Younger
There is a serious storm outside right now, shaking the whole house with thunder, lightning, wind and of course rain. I have never lived on the coast before, but I guess this happens a lot around here. Had relatives over for lunch, awkward as usual. I really got screwed over when it comes to cousins, my older brothers all have cousins their age. I have no cousins my age, they are all way younger then me. It was very awkward, but I did my best. After they left I WAS playing xbox but the lightning surged the power and turned it all off. Not cool bro.
I at least had some good advice for my younger cousins. I told them to wear their freaking retainers when they get their braces off. Granted I did not say freaking because they are like ten. But seriously I got my braces off junior year and I slacked on my retainer wearing. Now, I am wearing it again to try and save all the work that the braces did. It is so damn painful, but I guess I deserve the pain for not wearing it in the first place. Again, Not cool bro
Moral of the story
Lightning and Retainers not chill bros
-Kyle Griffith McChesney
I at least had some good advice for my younger cousins. I told them to wear their freaking retainers when they get their braces off. Granted I did not say freaking because they are like ten. But seriously I got my braces off junior year and I slacked on my retainer wearing. Now, I am wearing it again to try and save all the work that the braces did. It is so damn painful, but I guess I deserve the pain for not wearing it in the first place. Again, Not cool bro
Moral of the story
Lightning and Retainers not chill bros
-Kyle Griffith McChesney
Saturday, April 16, 2011
"Lame post with a song"
I am incredibly here is first good song that came up on shuffle.
Sure hope everyone is having a wonderful Friday night, I know I am.
-Kyle Griffith McChesnet
Sure hope everyone is having a wonderful Friday night, I know I am.
-Kyle Griffith McChesnet
Thursday, April 14, 2011
Thoughts on AC
I went to Atlantic City today, which for those of you who don't know, is the Las Vegas of New Jersey and probably the whole eastern seaboard. I have never been to Las Vegas and Brick, New Jersey, again for those of you who don't know, is not the most exciting place on the planet. In fact I would probably vote it the least exciting place on the planet. The town's calling card is having a variety of excellent retirement communities, a perfect place for an 18 year old. Long story short going to AC (as the cool people call it) was pretty exciting. Since it was exciting, and I was traveling....sort of....I took cell phone pictures YAH!
This is a BIG TV screen billboard. I don't know who the band is, the reason I took the picture because there was a sweet Charlie Sheen Show ad but it changed before I could take the picture. So now I look dump. NO SERIOUSLY THEY ARE AN AWESOME BAND THAT I LISTEN TO ALL TIME.
Apparently this is the CENTER of everything. I think it is pretty great, but center of it all might be a little much.
So this is the AC boardwalk. It had everything. There were crack heads, Asian tourists and crazy shirtless old men. There was a Burger King with marble exterior, mini-golf course, and even a Rainforest cafe.
This was lunch. I am in love with New York/New Jersey style pizza. It is so thin and delicious. It is like the hot skinny supermodel version of pizza.
Oh Yeah, T-Shirt time YEAH
-Pauly D
That is the Atlantic City Convention Center. It is pretty famous (according to Scooter).
Bad picture, but obviously another picture of the Convention Center. The Miss America Pageant happens every year at the convention center (according to Scooter). A lot cooler then Retirement Communities.
And lastly a blurry picture of some slot machines. It is blurry because I don't think you can take pictures inside the Casino. A security guard started giving me the eyes so I quickly snapped a picture. They are filming everyone in the Casino from 100 hundred different angles so in my opinion I can take one stinking picture.
Best part of the story is that I won a bunch of money playing Texas Hold'em. Just kidding, I don’t gamble and the age to gamble in New Jersey is 21. All I did was sight see but it was still pretty cool. Hope my cell phone pictures were enjoyable.
-Kyle Griffith McChesney
Though on Whoops!
So APPARENTLY it is sort of illegal to play music on a livestream channel. Crispin and I researched all day today and figured that out. So the music portion of the livestream show has been cancelled. We are still trying to figure out exactly what we are going to do, but we have some pretty good ideas. My awesome buddy Sam is working on some logos and everything is coming together pretty nicely. I did a bunch of job applications today. I hate going into places and being all pushy about talking to a manager and dropping of an application and stuff. I applied to this place called Surf Taco. The food is pretty good and it seems like a cool place to work, hopefully they call me back. Going to Atlantic City tomorrow, just to see it I guess. Not going to do any gambling so I don't really know why we are going but whatever right?
Got a good song from better times
-Kyle Griffith McChesney
Got a good song from better times
-Kyle Griffith McChesney
Tuesday, April 12, 2011
Thoughts on Radio Free Steegler
So I have some exciting-ish news. It was rainy and horrible today, so out of boredom and a genius idea from Crispin, Radio Free Steegler was born. Now you may ask..."Well Kyle, What exactly is Radio Free Steegler?" Well to answer your question I would ask you to visit (in a few days anyway) and search for Radio Free Steegler. Basically, Crispin and I realized that we have way to much free time and we both spend most of that time on the internet. So we hatched a plan to use all that Internet time constructively. We are working on creating this Radio Free Steegler on It will allow use to broadcast a online,web cam,video radio show. Our plan is to have an hour long show four or five nights a week. We will play some of our favorite tunes, talk about what ever random stuff comes to mind and hopefully talk to viewers live via the chat. Radio Free Steegler is still in it's infancy but I will keep you all updated via the blog. I am super excited and I hope you guys will tune in.
-Kyle Griffith McChesney
-Kyle Griffith McChesney
I felt bad...
I felt bad cause today's post was pretty lame...
so you get a song too and it not girly for once
so you get a song too and it not girly for once
Thoughts on the Jersey Shore *a different part*
I went outside today, and it felt like Florida. But wait, last I checked I was in New Jersey. No, I had not been kidnapped, teleported or in anyway moved. It was actually nice in New Jersey. It was in the 80s and humid out. My mother and I were sooo excited that we rushed to the Jersey Shore. No, not the Seasides Heights trashy part. A different boardwalk that was a lot nicer, less corny as well. We walked up and down, people watched and got pizza. I came to the conclusion that I should get my ears pierced, because every other 18 or so guy had them...JK LOL like I would ever do that. Other then that pretty uneventful day. My brother ended up in the hospital after kneeing himself in the face. If I left this unexplained it sounds like my brother is quite the idiot. But there is actually a reason why he kneed himself in the face. Being a proskier and all, he missed his landing and hit the flat...knee + chin = WIN!
sorry about the lame posts...
I am lacking inspiration...
-Kyle Griffith McChesney
sorry about the lame posts...
I am lacking inspiration...
-Kyle Griffith McChesney
Monday, April 11, 2011
Thoughts on the Popcorn Park Zoo and 500 veiws!!
So I officially have over 500 page views on the blog, which I think deserves to be celebrated.
Woohoo....okay celebration over. But seriously, thank you all for reading my blog. It means a whole lot that people are interested in my mindless babble, and I shall continue to supply you all with said babble.
Onward to the cellphone pictures!
The Popcorn Park Zoo, located...somewhere in New Jersey (seriously I get lost easily here) is a quaint little zoo nestled deep in the Pineys. I guess the Pineys are New Jersey's big nature attraction, basically just a big forest. I can see how that would be a big deal around here. Apparently the New Jersey devil lives in the Pineys. Anyway back to the zoo; it is sort of like a giant humane society, they rescue exotic animals that are being mistreated and care from them, nurse them back to health ect ect. It is a really cool little place and only costs five dollars. They have Lions and Tigers and Bears...ohh. Not going to get there, there is even a two-humped camel. The whole place has a very homey almost farm like feeling. There are many birds that roam free of cages ranging from chickens to neon blue peacocks. I even saw a milk cow in one of the enclosures.
So the peacocks are all over the place, on the benches, blocking the trails and making a pretty substantial racket at the same time. The male ones have the wild aquamarine sea foam green super feathers and what not. The females (which Crispin informs me are actually called "Peahens") are pretty normal looking. Finally to the point of all this. The male peacocks strut around and show off their big feathered plume. It is pretty darn cool.
^^more like peaCOCKY am I right??^^
Woohoo....okay celebration over. But seriously, thank you all for reading my blog. It means a whole lot that people are interested in my mindless babble, and I shall continue to supply you all with said babble.
Onward to the cellphone pictures!
The Popcorn Park Zoo, located...somewhere in New Jersey (seriously I get lost easily here) is a quaint little zoo nestled deep in the Pineys. I guess the Pineys are New Jersey's big nature attraction, basically just a big forest. I can see how that would be a big deal around here. Apparently the New Jersey devil lives in the Pineys. Anyway back to the zoo; it is sort of like a giant humane society, they rescue exotic animals that are being mistreated and care from them, nurse them back to health ect ect. It is a really cool little place and only costs five dollars. They have Lions and Tigers and Bears...ohh. Not going to get there, there is even a two-humped camel. The whole place has a very homey almost farm like feeling. There are many birds that roam free of cages ranging from chickens to neon blue peacocks. I even saw a milk cow in one of the enclosures.
Creeping GEESE!!!! You get what I mean though, birds roaming free.
So the peacocks are all over the place, on the benches, blocking the trails and making a pretty substantial racket at the same time. The male ones have the wild aquamarine sea foam green super feathers and what not. The females (which Crispin informs me are actually called "Peahens") are pretty normal looking. Finally to the point of all this. The male peacocks strut around and show off their big feathered plume. It is pretty darn cool.
^^more like peaCOCKY am I right??^^
As we left the wonderful little zoo this peacock above bid us farewell with his show of excellence and a loud squawk. It was at this exact point that I spotted something in the parking lot, had a little mind explosion, and had myself a great laugh.
This is what I saw in the parking lot. I said to myself, both the peacock and who ever drives this truck are pretty similar. They both have this big flashy thing that they show of to attract attention.
You know what they say about overcompensation....
-Kyle Griffith McChesney
Sunday, April 10, 2011
Dad's flight got delayed this morning. Did not make it to Baltimore. No aquarium, stayed in Jersey.
Job apps and Call of Duty. Awesome Saturday night right??
Here is a song...
I don't have anything else
Job apps and Call of Duty. Awesome Saturday night right??
Here is a song...
I don't have anything else
Friday, April 8, 2011
Thoughts on Aquariums!
So I am going to the Baltimore tomorrow, my dad has a layover there so we are staying the night and then going to the Baltimore Aquarium, which is considered our "National Aquarium". It had better be pretty damn good to be considered the National Aquarium. Anyways I love aquariums, because I am terrified of sharks and other marine creatures, (I only swim out like ten feet in the ocean). So this way I can hopefully confront my fears in a safe place. I guess what I am trying to say is that aquariums kick butt, they are way cooler then zoos because they are underwater. This is a short and lame post, but I have to get to bed early yah know?? I will be taking a bunch of pictures from my trip to Baltimore, the Aquarium and possibly this zombie museum thing that my mom found. Oh and my blog almost has five hundred views, keep it up and tell your friends!!!
That is all for tonight...
-Kyle Griffith McChesney
That is all for tonight...
-Kyle Griffith McChesney
Thursday, April 7, 2011
Thoughts on Short Lived, But Magical Songs
Have you ever found a song that absolutely blows your mind...and then ends! I feel like there are far to many songs out there that are like 1 minute and 15 seconds long, but are just magical for that brief second. It really bothers me when this happens. I wish I could call the bands and make them extend the song. It just leaves you with an almost hunger like feeling for more of the song, but no more exists. Really pisses me off. This is one of these songs, once it gets going and really ends...
Wednesday, April 6, 2011
Thoughts on a Wonderful Day
It has been a wonderful day, Let me tell you. I awoke to another beautiful Florida morning, hopped in the car and drove on down to the airport to catch a plane. Everything was going smoothly, I sat down in seat 1A and began reading. From that point on it has been an unsuccessful day.
-Airplane brakes needed maintenance, hour and half of waiting
-Bus driver would only allow my Dad on employee bus to the parking lot in LaGuardia
-My mom got a migraine and I couldn't help
-Construction all over neighborhood....dirt pile in center of drive way
-All power outlets in my room no longer work
I am soooo glad to be back in the nice rainy weather. Drove through NYC, that place is so claustrophobic It makes my skin crawl just driving through it. I cannot think of any reason why anyone lives there, but I guess I live in Jersey, which is probably worse. Who knows....
I miss Florida already.
-Kyle Griffith McChesney
New Jersey,
New York City,
Thoughts on Spades and New Jersey Redux
Rainy all day today. Played spades with mom, dad and grandma. Spades should be renamed "Stress". I am pretty new to the game, and my Grandma is, well, an advanced level player. She enjoys going nil just about every chance she gets and then I am freaking out trying to make sure I cover her. It is the most stressful thing ever. I am on vacation, I should not have to keep track of every face card and spade that has been played for like 3 out of 4 hands. Thankfully I had iced Coffee and Mt. Dew so I managed. Grandma and I ended up winning a bunch, even with her "riskier" play style.
I am up late, which is dumb. I have to get up early to depart this wonderful sunny state, back to good Ole' Jersey. I have been slacking on my GTL anyway. I sure missed frigid winds and insane traffic. The 85 and sunny has really been getting old. At least I can be reunited with my Vizio. I sure do miss the old girl. With the Montana trip and the Florida trip she must feel pretty abandoned. It's okay old girl...I can delay getting a job for a few days of Netflix. Goodbye Florida!!
-Kyle Griffith McChesney
I am up late, which is dumb. I have to get up early to depart this wonderful sunny state, back to good Ole' Jersey. I have been slacking on my GTL anyway. I sure missed frigid winds and insane traffic. The 85 and sunny has really been getting old. At least I can be reunited with my Vizio. I sure do miss the old girl. With the Montana trip and the Florida trip she must feel pretty abandoned. It's okay old girl...I can delay getting a job for a few days of Netflix. Goodbye Florida!!
-Kyle Griffith McChesney
Monday, April 4, 2011
Thoughts on Taxes and Slow Internet
I spent the majority of my afternoon doing all my taxes and stuff. Being a gypsy I had a little extra work then most, income in two different states and all. I began to question how everyone gets their taxes done. I had a crazy math teacher who made us fill out fake taxes every year and graded us and stuff. I guess it is a good thing because now I can do them by myself for the most part. good thing Scooter has a hella tax skills as well, otherwise I would still be doing it. Filling out your taxes is kind of interesting though, you get to see exactly how much money they take from you. I was kind of mad because I made like 1000 dollars in New Jersey and according to their kooky tax bracket I owed 21 dollars. Now in my paychecks it automattically took out state tax, to the amount $20.22. I now have to write a check for like .70 something cents to the state of New Jersey. As for Montana, I will get all my taxes back, which is good because I don't have any desire to give the state any money at all. Either way though, today I feel like a functioning member of society, paying taxes and stuff...a weird feeling. I think I am still to young for all this buisness. Childhood seems like such a short time ago.
Oh Well...
On to the internet. The wireless here in Flow-rida has been super duper slow. It all started on April 1st so I convinced my self that hackers slowed down the internet as an April Fools prank. Obviously wrong, but when resetting the modem doesn't fix the problem I get really pissed off. I am very impatient about slow internet so you are all lucky I am even enduring it long enough to write a blog. Back to Jersey soon, were the weather is cold...but the internet is fast.
-Kyle Griffith McChesney
Oh Well...
On to the internet. The wireless here in Flow-rida has been super duper slow. It all started on April 1st so I convinced my self that hackers slowed down the internet as an April Fools prank. Obviously wrong, but when resetting the modem doesn't fix the problem I get really pissed off. I am very impatient about slow internet so you are all lucky I am even enduring it long enough to write a blog. Back to Jersey soon, were the weather is cold...but the internet is fast.
-Kyle Griffith McChesney
Thoughts on the LPGA
So I was watching the ladies professional golf tournament this evening, and I was pretty darn impressed. Sure you can talk a bunch of crap about them having shorter distance holes or what have you. But what impressed me was that the ladies were not such cocky toolbags as the guys in the PGA. The guys strut around the golf course with a scowl on there face, giving people dirty looks, and generally just acting like emotionless elitists. But the girls were always smiling, laughing and chatting with the people they were competing against,
But they saved the best part for last. At the end of the tournament, on the green of the 18th whole there are several water traps. So the girl makes the winning putt, and immediately people run onto the green and spray her down with champagne and Budweiser. The winner and the second place girl hug each other, then do a photo op. Then; after getting her trophy and being interviewed, the girl, her caddy and her whole family run and jump into one of the water traps. It was hilarious and absolutely the most exciting moment of televised golf I have ever witnessed.
-Kyle Griffith McChesney
But they saved the best part for last. At the end of the tournament, on the green of the 18th whole there are several water traps. So the girl makes the winning putt, and immediately people run onto the green and spray her down with champagne and Budweiser. The winner and the second place girl hug each other, then do a photo op. Then; after getting her trophy and being interviewed, the girl, her caddy and her whole family run and jump into one of the water traps. It was hilarious and absolutely the most exciting moment of televised golf I have ever witnessed.
-Kyle Griffith McChesney
Saturday, April 2, 2011
Thoughts on Rebuilding
Wow amazing would it be to be able to take part in the rebuilding of a country? Maybe it is all this revolution going on in the middle east that has me going, but I think that would be a pretty crazy experience to live through. Granted it would be really sucky to live in a country that was ripping itself apart from the inside, but if you survived the anarchy and everything, it would be pretty darn good story to tell your grand kids. "Back in my day we had to walk ten miles through the snow and back to set up a new government for our whole country!"
I guess the whole problem with the idea of Anarchy is that it is human nature to band together and create laws, I'm sorry punks, you can fight the government all you want but once it is all gone, human nature will most defiantly bring it back. I think the whole concept of anarchy would be cool for about a week. The freedom to do whatever the heck you want to do. After that it would get really scary and dangerous, everyone would miss their government, control, laws and safety and eventually re create it and we would be right back to square one. I guess the Sex Pistols had it all wrong...what a shame...
On a lighter note, my uncle has the cutest cat ever. He is a ginger kitty named Lucky that my uncle found on the side of the street and saved. Skittish little thing but cute all the same. I love cats...
I guess the whole problem with the idea of Anarchy is that it is human nature to band together and create laws, I'm sorry punks, you can fight the government all you want but once it is all gone, human nature will most defiantly bring it back. I think the whole concept of anarchy would be cool for about a week. The freedom to do whatever the heck you want to do. After that it would get really scary and dangerous, everyone would miss their government, control, laws and safety and eventually re create it and we would be right back to square one. I guess the Sex Pistols had it all wrong...what a shame...
On a lighter note, my uncle has the cutest cat ever. He is a ginger kitty named Lucky that my uncle found on the side of the street and saved. Skittish little thing but cute all the same. I love cats...
Friday, April 1, 2011
Thoughts on Dazed and Confused
Watching Dazed and Confused right now. Why could the world not be like it was back then, except right now. I mean these kids drive around drinking all night, throw a rager in the forest, knock out some mailboxes and oh yeah the cops come when they are sitting on the school football field. I just wish it was still like that yah know? In my high school days the one thing we could have done is sit at the school field. I swear to god there was always at least one door to that school that was left open. But no, cops are on the hunt for kids doing stuff like they do in this movie.
And Matthew Mcconaughey as the older dude who still goes to high school parties to pick up chicks. This movie is so spot on about this stuff its pretty wonderful. Then the tough guy who gets in fights all the time. "Came here to do to things, kick some ass and drink some beer...running out of beer. Oh and don't forget about Slllater. The total stoner kid with all the conspiracy theories and stuff. All the good memories of high school yah know?
Check ya later...
-Kyle Griffith McChesney
And Matthew Mcconaughey as the older dude who still goes to high school parties to pick up chicks. This movie is so spot on about this stuff its pretty wonderful. Then the tough guy who gets in fights all the time. "Came here to do to things, kick some ass and drink some beer...running out of beer. Oh and don't forget about Slllater. The total stoner kid with all the conspiracy theories and stuff. All the good memories of high school yah know?
Check ya later...
-Kyle Griffith McChesney
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