Sunday, March 27, 2011

Thoughts on the Beach and Cooking

Went to Cocoa Beach today. It was pretty darn wonderful. It is one thing chilling by the pool in nice Florida weather, and it is a completely different thing to actually be at the ocean. I am in love with the ocean, it is so relaxing to stand in the waves. At the same time, I will never swim more then like ten feet out, I am terrified of sharks. I am such a pansy about it, but there is something really scary about them.
Anyways, walking up and down the beach looking at all the crazy people sure is enjoyable. My mom, being a mother, was all "wear some will get a sun'll shoot you eye out...blah blah blah" Now, normally i never ever ever wear sunscreen. I think it is stupid, I barely ever get sun-burned. I have always said when it comes to terrible diseases, cancer and the like "Oh, they will have that cured by the time I get it." All that aside I finally caved in today and wore sun screen. So I get home today and I have the most fucked up tan/burn/pale splotches. I have red, white and brown patches all over my stomach. If I had not covered my body in that gross mayonnaise looking goop I would have been burned red like a lobster. Tomorrow, I would have been all dark and handsome, thanks mom.

Anyways, we came home and made fajitas for my family, grandmother, aunts and uncles. I slayed it up in the kitchen. Made some delicious guacamole and then cut like four pounds of assorted vegetables. I felt pretty damn good about myself. I wonder if like in 15 years or whenever I am like looking for a serious girlfriend can I say I know how to cook. Then like three months into dating shes all like "So I thought you could cook, all you have made is tacos, burritos and nachos....what the hell?"

I love Mexican food

-Kyle Griffith McChesney

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