1. Daily: Pogo-
do the 1xday games.
2.Wed: Do the weekly games.
Usually 2 plus personal (CHOOSE Cribbage) "
This note probably takes some explaining before the true humor comes out. So Club: Pogo is an online gaming website. There are hundreds of games on it from card games to puzzle games and everything in between. It cost like 15 dollars a year or something to be a member and get all the benefits. You win tokens playing games and supposedly can use them in cash prize raffles. So every week Club: Pogo releases Badges, usually two or three. These weekly Badges are the exact same thing as achievements on XboxLive. It says for example: "Earn three Bingos in Safari Bingo Bash". You go, play Safari Bingo Bash and once you earn three bingos you get the badge and some tokens. New badges are released every Wednesday along with two personal badges. The personal badges allow you to go back into the yearly albums and complete any badges you might have missed. My chores from Florida grandma consist of doing the weekly badges, the personal badges for the 2006 album (Yah she has every one since 2006 completed) AND they added a new thing since last I was here which are daily bonus challenges to earn extra tokens. I have been playing Bingo, Majong and Cribbage all freaking morning, I think I deserve the "Best Grandson Ever" award. I was thinking about it, and if she played Xbox her gamerscore would be like 10 million. She is the worst achievement hunter I have ever met and I think its super awesome.
Getting to the pool for quite possibly the most important component of GTL.....the tanning.
-Kyle Griffith McChesney
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