Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Thoughts on Hypocrites

Well, Casey Anthony was acquitted on all the murder/manslaughter/child abuse charges today. I defiantly saw this coming, and you can ask my aunt if you don't believe me. She is a former lawyer, who lives in Orlando. She had fairly strong opinions about the whole thing, like most people who followed the case. I think the average person  is pretty furious as to the outcome of the whole thing, I also don't think the average person is very informed on the case, laws, and the way something like a capital murder case goes. Two things bother me about the way the average person responds to stuff like this. Firstly, they are shocked that she was found not guilty. They have seen the news and seen the pictures of poor Caylee. They want justice for this little girl, and the only person who really could have done it was Casey. SO HOW COULD SHE BE NOT GUILTY. Reasonable doubt it a term I think every person in this country could use a quick lesson on. While they are at it, perhaps brush up on their Innocent Until Proven Guilty. People in this country are so quick to convict and sentence a person before they even set foot in a court room. Doing this is both idiotic and pretty anti-American. We have the one of the best justice systems in the world, so don't spit on it by jumping to conclusions. The mob of cries for the death of Casey Anthony has grown to massive proportions through out the whole trial. Nancy Grace and others like her simply feed the fire, perpetuating the idea that Casey is obviously guilty, and is also evil and must get the death penalty. I think there was defiantly reasonable doubt clearly shown in the evidence, but I don't think that was the only thing that pushed the jury to their decision. I believe that they were very aware of public opinion, which was "Give  Casey the chair, she did it no doubt about it." I think they did not want to go along with the mob on this one. So in a way all the death mongering probably helped Casey in the end. Nothing like dumbasses helping sink their own ship. But for god sakes, she has been found not guilty, so saying stuff like "God, I hope someone kills her, she deserves to die," is idiotic and hypocritical. You hate her because you think she killed someone, and you suggest her being killed out side of legal process would be good. What you get to judge who deserves to live or die but she does not? The death penalty has its place, but perpetuating murder is just moronic. Stop being so dumb please.

Also, another thing a really really hate is when I am listening to some serious death metal or something, and someone is like "Oh my god what is this emo crap, turn it off, so emo." Cradle of Filth is not emo... So this is to show you what "emo" music is.
Time Spent Driving - Rain on Sundays


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