Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Thoughts on DUMB (WITH FACTS!)

It's my break. I love watching the news, to see what is going on in the world. More importantly to see what bad stuff is going on (usually all news is bad, dramatic or exciting [not surprising, gotta entertain people these days]) Besides the end of News Corp, one down! five to go!. If you don't get that you should look at this link: https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEho39kncp_USFtjLwepvpbjJmBQyC9YblyBjREYvn7TXYPGlpmKcus8pYJ_7-w_s7gkybTZEeZfUazcrhv00isB3XflCz7qN4NnNMG_FthtcUOgBpseWSzRUvAoJeL7OF3iHR16JtUPsBRX/s1600/media2.png. See look I make facts into blog. Like citing sources, BOSS. Anyways onto the real topic. I was watching Nancy Grace, because it is an intelligent and unbiased show. Some co-host is standing by a memorial for Caylee Anthony and she says, and this is a direct quote, "Standing here out front of the memorial. This is probably the saddest place on earth right now." Like holy shit.

"A child dies every four seconds from HIV/AIDS and extreme poverty often before their fifth birthday. 15 children die every minute. Over 22,000 children die worldwide every single day. About 8 million children die every year.  (Source: UNICEF)"

Yah I bet aids probably got acquitted on most of those. So stop making such big deal about one persons death, 1000s of people die everyday. The entire country of Mexico is being torn apart at the seams and the majority of the African continent is in bloody civil war. Yah Casey got off, get over it. Maybe a giant earthquake will destroy Florida and cause serious radiation leakage. She will be one of the casualties. Yah then justice will be done, and Caylee will be avenged.


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