Tired from working late.
I like to think that the are talking about New Jersey.
Sunday, July 31, 2011
Thoughts on Dem Old Days
So this little tune popped up on the ool' Shuffle all songs playlist. Must saw I was struck with a big of nostalgia. Also a lot of shame and regret. I was a huge dooshbag Freshman year of High School. I hate the studded belt and what not. Listening to Hawthorne Heights and sitting on the "Freak Bench" at my high school...hahaha. I remembered all this basically because I knew every word to this song. It is such a horrible song but yet it is soo good. I feel that way about a lot of my music. I like to find a reason to like most things, sort of like an adapted version of the whole "cup half full" idea. But I am not a "cup half full" person...I would say I am a "fuck that cup" person. Oh well...Goddnight!
Hawthorne Heights - Ohio is for Lovers (YAH ANOTHER REPOST ARTIST I DO NOT CARE)
Hawthorne Heights - Ohio is for Lovers (YAH ANOTHER REPOST ARTIST I DO NOT CARE)
Friday, July 29, 2011
Thoughts on East Coast Thunder Storms
Thunder storms on the east coast are a big deal. My cousins who live in New Jersey take them very very seriously. They are basically petrified by them. They swear that it is a very dangerous to take a shower during a thunderstorm. Other hazards include going outside and talking a phones (there is something about wearing the right kind of shoes that makes phones okay but I am not positive on that). Compared to Montana thunderstorms, NJ thunder and lightening is pretty bad-ass. This storm has been rumbling for almost 3 hours, thousands of people in the surrounding area are without power. Apparently Lions Head Retirement Community has some super tough power lines, or I am just lucky. I spent about an hour sitting on a beach chair in the garage watching the storm. It was absolutely beautiful. I don't want to sound like a tool, but that is the Montanan in me, nature is beautiful...blah blah... I think more people in New Jersey should stop and appreciate this type of thing. Instead of hiding inside like a dog afraid of loud noises. Then again, this storm did take out several power lines and the last big thunderstorm annihilated this huge sign in a big strip mall. Maybe I am an idiot with a death wish. Just to be safe, I got my blogging done early, in case of power loss. I think I should make a habit of doing this earlier, it would appear I can actually write more than two quick sentences. I am sure ya'll appreciate that. Now for some music! We need to talk guys, this is going to be a pretty serious conversation. I know I have done my best to not post multiple songs by the same artist (I think one might have happened already) but I think I need to give this up. I have previously posted a HORSE the band song, but have been listening to this on repeat since last night. On repeat through my 8 hour work day mind you. It is freaking incredible. I love HORSE, and everything about them. I even knew the cousin of the original drummer, he was my neighborhood trouble making partner when I was a wee lad.
So here yah go, ANOTHER HORSE THE BAND SONG!!! This is one of those: "it burns, but a good burn" moments.
HORSE the Band - Shapeshift
p.s. The video is incredible. I don't always recommend watching the videos. But when I do it is because the are cool and artsy.
So here yah go, ANOTHER HORSE THE BAND SONG!!! This is one of those: "it burns, but a good burn" moments.
HORSE the Band - Shapeshift
p.s. The video is incredible. I don't always recommend watching the videos. But when I do it is because the are cool and artsy.
Thursday, July 28, 2011
Thoughts on A Social Life
So guys, I think I officially have a social life again. With the dinner last night, plus tonight (more on that later) and a sort of date tomorrow night, I think that qualifies as a social life. Anyways tonight I did something I have not done in far to long. Sat with a car full of bored teenagers looking for something to do. Driving through grave yards and creepy back roads. Trying to find a place to go bowling that was open late and eventually ending up sitting in a parking lot bullshitting. No matter what the State, sitting in a parking lot doing nothing is an activity that all teenagers partake in. I really like sitting in parking lots, don't quite no why. Moral of the story, I have friends again. Success!
Still on a Dubstep kick, deal with it.
Still on a Dubstep kick, deal with it.
Wednesday, July 27, 2011
Thoughts on People Outside of Work
I fucking love all my coworkers. They are hilarious outside of work. My first social outing in New Jersey was a complete success. I am tired, but I have to glorious days off and I can actually put sometime into the old blog.
Fashion Zombies - Aquabats. Yes watch the video cause it is incredible.
Fashion Zombies - Aquabats. Yes watch the video cause it is incredible.
Monday, July 25, 2011
Thoughts on Murder She Wrote
I used to live in Celebration, FL. It was a small little Disney town on the cusp of Disney World. After I moved to New Jersey there was like a double murder suicide thing that happened in Celebration. It was a shocking thing for the small town and pretty unusual. Now I live in Brick, New Jersey, specifically Lions Head. Lions head is a retirement community for people 55 and up. A large majority of the people are in the 80's / 90's. So my aunt heard on the news, then called my grandma, and she told me that some guy was arrested in Lions Head for supposedly killing his step-dad. The guy who was arrested was in his 50's and the man who was killed was in his 90's. The guy was arrested at his home, like a block away from mine. What the hell man...Why do murders always occur where I live. It is starting to creep me out.
On a cooler note, I am addicted to Dubstep again. getting really nitty gritty with it.
On a cooler note, I am addicted to Dubstep again. getting really nitty gritty with it.
Sunday, July 24, 2011
Thoughts on HP
I am so mad. Why is it not real???? Pisses me off.
Crispin's song suggestion of the month? I dunno.
Crispin's song suggestion of the month? I dunno.
Saturday, July 23, 2011
Thoughts on Old Cartoons
I used to watch this show all the freaking time when I was a kid. Now thanks to the internet I can watch them all again. I love the internet so freaking much. It is incredible. This song is freaking tits as well. I listen to it while I drive to work. I wish my car was made of gundanium alloy...:(
Thoughts on New Shopping Carts
Target got new shopping carts. They are less than well designed. Today was like Tokyo Drift except with shopping carts. Did I mention the 105 degree weather.
This was on repeat for most of the day. Skrillex why did I just discover you?
This was on repeat for most of the day. Skrillex why did I just discover you?
Thursday, July 21, 2011
Thoughts on So I had some crazy ass dreams last night.
So I am in elementary school again, but apperentally I moved to Venice, or some make beleive place with rivers through a city. I cut class and meet up with two french super models (obviously). We then proceed to steal a Cigarette Race Boat and start burning up the waves all through the city. After a little bit of speed boat rampage, the authorities show up in a helecopter and follow us. I crash the boat into a building and escape onto the street. I run into Matt Wheat and we reminds me that Lunch period was almost over and that we have to run back to school. So we sprint through the streets of Venice, through the aftermath of the speedboat rampage and eventually make it back to school on time. Then I woke up.
So Sigmund Freud thought that you could analyze dreams and discover their meaning and what not...Good luck with that one brah!
I like this band, they are neat. I forgot how much I like them actually. Freshman year all the way!
Mindless Self Indulgence -
So Sigmund Freud thought that you could analyze dreams and discover their meaning and what not...Good luck with that one brah!
I like this band, they are neat. I forgot how much I like them actually. Freshman year all the way!
Mindless Self Indulgence -
Wednesday, July 20, 2011
Tuesday, July 19, 2011
I am apologise in advance Thoughts on...What
So RB just gave a big middle finger (in the form of another awful song) to all the haters.
Haters Gonna Hate.
Haters Gonna Hate.
Thoughts on DUMB (WITH FACTS!)
It's my break. I love watching the news, to see what is going on in the world. More importantly to see what bad stuff is going on (usually all news is bad, dramatic or exciting [not surprising, gotta entertain people these days]) Besides the end of News Corp, one down! five to go!. If you don't get that you should look at this link: https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEho39kncp_USFtjLwepvpbjJmBQyC9YblyBjREYvn7TXYPGlpmKcus8pYJ_7-w_s7gkybTZEeZfUazcrhv00isB3XflCz7qN4NnNMG_FthtcUOgBpseWSzRUvAoJeL7OF3iHR16JtUPsBRX/s1600/media2.png. See look I make facts into blog. Like citing sources, BOSS. Anyways onto the real topic. I was watching Nancy Grace, because it is an intelligent and unbiased show. Some co-host is standing by a memorial for Caylee Anthony and she says, and this is a direct quote, "Standing here out front of the memorial. This is probably the saddest place on earth right now." Like holy shit.
"A child dies every four seconds from HIV/AIDS and extreme poverty often before their fifth birthday. 15 children die every minute. Over 22,000 children die worldwide every single day. About 8 million children die every year. (Source: UNICEF)"
Yah I bet aids probably got acquitted on most of those. So stop making such big deal about one persons death, 1000s of people die everyday. The entire country of Mexico is being torn apart at the seams and the majority of the African continent is in bloody civil war. Yah Casey got off, get over it. Maybe a giant earthquake will destroy Florida and cause serious radiation leakage. She will be one of the casualties. Yah then justice will be done, and Caylee will be avenged.
"A child dies every four seconds from HIV/AIDS and extreme poverty often before their fifth birthday. 15 children die every minute. Over 22,000 children die worldwide every single day. About 8 million children die every year. (Source: UNICEF)"
Yah I bet aids probably got acquitted on most of those. So stop making such big deal about one persons death, 1000s of people die everyday. The entire country of Mexico is being torn apart at the seams and the majority of the African continent is in bloody civil war. Yah Casey got off, get over it. Maybe a giant earthquake will destroy Florida and cause serious radiation leakage. She will be one of the casualties. Yah then justice will be done, and Caylee will be avenged.
Sunday, July 17, 2011
Thoughts on Reddit Love
Hey Reddit,
I know we haven't really know each other for that long, but I feel like we have really clicked. Your not like the other girls I have dated. My break up with StumbleUpon was really hard, but you were there to rebuild me. You always have so much interesting stuff to talk about with me. I have really loved all the time we have spent together (Yah I know we have been like attached at the hip over the last couple weeks). I am always impressed at the breath and depth of topics you are knowledgeable about. You literally have something to say about every single topic I can think of. You reward me for being creative and original. Your a great cartoonist, and always up to date on current events. So I guess I am writing this because I want you to know that I love you.
Okay seriously Reddit is like the greatest website on the planet. There is literally a subreddit for every single possible thing you could want to read/post/talk about. God I have spent (read: not wasted) so much time on reddit and enjoyed every minute of it. So if you love the internet and have way to much free time/have no life. I would suggest you start reddit-ing. Might I suggest starting in /r/fffffffuuuuuuuuuuuu. Mindless and frankly pretty immature humor. The best kind.
I know we haven't really know each other for that long, but I feel like we have really clicked. Your not like the other girls I have dated. My break up with StumbleUpon was really hard, but you were there to rebuild me. You always have so much interesting stuff to talk about with me. I have really loved all the time we have spent together (Yah I know we have been like attached at the hip over the last couple weeks). I am always impressed at the breath and depth of topics you are knowledgeable about. You literally have something to say about every single topic I can think of. You reward me for being creative and original. Your a great cartoonist, and always up to date on current events. So I guess I am writing this because I want you to know that I love you.
Okay seriously Reddit is like the greatest website on the planet. There is literally a subreddit for every single possible thing you could want to read/post/talk about. God I have spent (read: not wasted) so much time on reddit and enjoyed every minute of it. So if you love the internet and have way to much free time/have no life. I would suggest you start reddit-ing. Might I suggest starting in /r/fffffffuuuuuuuuuuuu. Mindless and frankly pretty immature humor. The best kind.
Saturday, July 16, 2011
Friday, July 15, 2011
Thoughts on How I feel
All I can say after cashiering for 8 hours, on a Friday evening. Target in Brick New Jersey. At least it is not hate and anger right right??
I wanted to put up the cover by Echo and the Bunnyman (from the Lost Boys, AWESOME). But I already posted an EatB song. Must uphold the new artist every post.
I wanted to put up the cover by Echo and the Bunnyman (from the Lost Boys, AWESOME). But I already posted an EatB song. Must uphold the new artist every post.
Thursday, July 14, 2011
Hey it it time. I know have been slacking majorly but with the trip and Great Adventure and all the work I have been super exhausted and lazy. Here are the wonderful pictures from my trip to NYC to see The Bouncing Souls. It was an epic show, they are still pretty damn impressive for their age. I went to the 4th night of their show, they played every song they ever wrote over the span of 4 nights. Pretty epic.
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Would not be pictures from a trip with out the obligatory picture of travel ticket. Am I right? |
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An awesome shot of me stage diving..err...leaping. Took me a while to get crowd surfed op though. Dropped on my back before hand. Sucked. |
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There they are. In all their badassery. The Gold Album cover in background. |
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This guy. Tim Barry. Absolute Badass-Champion of the World-Hero of America. You heard his stuff early. He got down off stage and walked through the crowd playing. Tuff. |
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Picture of the crowd. Not quite sure how I got it. |
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Moar Tim Barry. He was a single guy with an acoustic guitar. Opening with a bunch of hardcore metal/punk bands. Singing about Virgina and stuff. Awesome. |
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BS again. Notice the sick Pirate Flag. |
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My last trip included a Times Square Picture but it was nighttime. I think this does it better justice. P.S. I cannot stand Time Square. Talk about sign pollution. |
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Like the subway like represents like life right and how like life has many different stops along the way, but there are only so many tracks you can follow man. |
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I love the "order" that these pictures are in. Completely backwards. |
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Look a Street. Isn't it neat? |
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Bryan doing the bass thing. Looking like a badass pirate |
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More of them girls. |
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This is it. The door to the Fox News studio. All the stupidity and ridiculousness. It all happens here. |
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Big sign with all the rules and regs for the Fox studio. Some funny stuff in there. |
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This one. I don't know if you can read it but it says that no one in the studio may make false or defamatory remarks while in the studio. Because that is their job. |
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Another wonderful institution. |
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A hilarious sign outside the IRS. It goes up by about $10,000 a second. The bottom number is "Your family's share" if it were split evenly I guess. Either way we are effed. |
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Apparently this is like a classic motorcycle or something. My dad was all "take a picture." Well dad this one is for you. |
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Bye Bye NYC. See yah again real soon. |
Wednesday, July 13, 2011
Tuesday, July 12, 2011
I am so lazy...
I am so lazy, sorry.
This is all I have.
"New Jersey: Causing people to lose faith in Humanity since like 1776 or something."
This is all I have.
"New Jersey: Causing people to lose faith in Humanity since like 1776 or something."
Monday, July 11, 2011
Thoughts on Kingda Ka
Kingda ka means King of Caosters
I rode this twice today. Suffice to say I am pretty tired. Besides this twice I rode every other roller coaster at Six Flags Great Adventure. Back to work tomorrow. THEN I WILL POST NEW YORK PICTURES.
I rode this twice today. Suffice to say I am pretty tired. Besides this twice I rode every other roller coaster at Six Flags Great Adventure. Back to work tomorrow. THEN I WILL POST NEW YORK PICTURES.
Thoughts on
I got a Google+ invite thanks to Reddit. I am officially more Internet hip than you. It is basically like living in the Internet San Fransisco. Goodnight
Saturday, July 9, 2011
Thoughts on The Best Love/Hate Relationship I Have Ever Had
Wow...when you live in Brick Township, New Jersey and hop on a bus to a Bouncing Souls show in NYC, it is quite the shocker. I had a freaking blast. There were three opening acts which were all pretty good. One "band" consisted of one guy and an acoustic guitar. Not to disrespect the Bouncing Souls, cause the rocked. But I wanted to talk about Tim Barry I this post and then when I have time to upload all the pics I will delve into the awesomeness that is the Bouncing Souls. Anyways Tim Barry is a total champion. Guy walks on stage after a punk/hardcore band called Lost In Society. They were from Jersey and yah. Guy grabs the microphone and says something to the effect of "Gonna follow up the loud punk band with some guy singing fucking Kumbaya and stuff." After that he proceeded to play a mean guitar. Half way through his set he unplugs his guitar and jumps off the stage. Starts walking through the crowd hugging people and playing his song. He was laughing about coming from Richmond, Virgina up to crowded NYC. He complained about all the people, then said it was f**king exhilarating. At this point I love this guy, and then he goes "Who is from Jersey?? This song is about Jersey." Basically he made a song about what I complain about constantly. Made my freaking day. The show was just so awesome. So much anger and yet so much love, I no it sounds clique as hell, I love punk rock. I don't care if you define it differentially then me, or think the Bouncing Souls aren't punk or whatever. I think that my new definition of punk rock is angry people who just love each other. Nothing like a good mosh pit. Crowd surfing and stage diving. If you find me another thing that you can be at, get kicked clean in the face, and have an awesome time, I am all ears. Gonna eat some good pizza and pass out. Love you all.
Tim Barry - Avoiding Catatonic Surrender
Tim Barry - Avoiding Catatonic Surrender
Friday, July 8, 2011
Thursday, July 7, 2011
Thoughts on The Bouncing Souls
Bouncing Souls. On Saturday, in NYC and then ay after that Six Flags Great Adventure. I am very excite. Just have to survive one more day in the desert wasteland that is Target parking lot. Seriously it was like a million and a half degrees plus humidity today. I almost died, could have cooked eggs on the sidewalk hot. Anywho I will be taking awesome pictures and stuff as usual. Otherwise it is early to bed early to rise push shopping carts all day and eat lots of french fries. Also, reddit has many comical casey anthony jokes to be found. No it is not to soon.
Broken Record - Bouncing Souls
Broken Record - Bouncing Souls
Wednesday, July 6, 2011
'ijs[ohsdhaspohdsuyhsdpjhdsfpouhdf;nd o[j[oh php [osaojd[asojdfoij o[ioiweuwepohrmnxm,nf ojoijdf[oidspu qwo uueio[wruzxc,mnjalsfuo oiuoifjsl;kjqwo[iurpo ioufjsl;gjfpowueroiudsjkn poiupodfjpoafu io[jsfdo[iaur8wefsdj idufoi[dsuf[iosadj iodufoiadsufoaijd kjdlskfjsdo oiusdiofu iouwoiu iou dsoiufosadi oiudsoi u poiu poiu pois dupoisaduoisduopids uopia upiodu oiud oiduoidua poiudfoiuodisfu oiud soifusdpoiuf udsfpoi ufopuds iousd poidsufpoudsfopidsfdsiofudspofz,cmxnvpocfdsdfsdgfgjhoyjn4ktvrhnjmosiuerakodkfp[dsfdljflkdsjflkdsjf;lds jsd;lkjf ;lksdf sdjf adlskhfaposu 4porodu sfuisadfih 4ri hdf dsfk;dlkf;lasd
dskfasl;djflk lkj;lk j;ldskj ;j o jo jo j oj asdidsaj fdsfiweu kjfakd oiasufoisduf o odsi fo[idsau f wue dsjflkasdjf laos jdfsdjf;lasdj fjla;sdk fjdsj foisd jodjf posdfpodsfpshf98rtgzg
Nine Inch Nails - Right Where It Belongs. I have seen them live, and it was epic.
dskfasl;djflk lkj;lk j;ldskj ;j o jo jo j oj asdidsaj fdsfiweu kjfakd oiasufoisduf o odsi fo[idsau f wue dsjflkasdjf laos jdfsdjf;lasdj fjla;sdk fjdsj foisd jodjf posdfpodsfpshf98rtgzg
Nine Inch Nails - Right Where It Belongs. I have seen them live, and it was epic.
Thoughts on Hypocrites
Well, Casey Anthony was acquitted on all the murder/manslaughter/child abuse charges today. I defiantly saw this coming, and you can ask my aunt if you don't believe me. She is a former lawyer, who lives in Orlando. She had fairly strong opinions about the whole thing, like most people who followed the case. I think the average person is pretty furious as to the outcome of the whole thing, I also don't think the average person is very informed on the case, laws, and the way something like a capital murder case goes. Two things bother me about the way the average person responds to stuff like this. Firstly, they are shocked that she was found not guilty. They have seen the news and seen the pictures of poor Caylee. They want justice for this little girl, and the only person who really could have done it was Casey. SO HOW COULD SHE BE NOT GUILTY. Reasonable doubt it a term I think every person in this country could use a quick lesson on. While they are at it, perhaps brush up on their Innocent Until Proven Guilty. People in this country are so quick to convict and sentence a person before they even set foot in a court room. Doing this is both idiotic and pretty anti-American. We have the one of the best justice systems in the world, so don't spit on it by jumping to conclusions. The mob of cries for the death of Casey Anthony has grown to massive proportions through out the whole trial. Nancy Grace and others like her simply feed the fire, perpetuating the idea that Casey is obviously guilty, and is also evil and must get the death penalty. I think there was defiantly reasonable doubt clearly shown in the evidence, but I don't think that was the only thing that pushed the jury to their decision. I believe that they were very aware of public opinion, which was "Give Casey the chair, she did it no doubt about it." I think they did not want to go along with the mob on this one. So in a way all the death mongering probably helped Casey in the end. Nothing like dumbasses helping sink their own ship. But for god sakes, she has been found not guilty, so saying stuff like "God, I hope someone kills her, she deserves to die," is idiotic and hypocritical. You hate her because you think she killed someone, and you suggest her being killed out side of legal process would be good. What you get to judge who deserves to live or die but she does not? The death penalty has its place, but perpetuating murder is just moronic. Stop being so dumb please.
Also, another thing a really really hate is when I am listening to some serious death metal or something, and someone is like "Oh my god what is this emo crap, turn it off, so emo." Cradle of Filth is not emo... So this is to show you what "emo" music is.
Time Spent Driving - Rain on Sundays
Also, another thing a really really hate is when I am listening to some serious death metal or something, and someone is like "Oh my god what is this emo crap, turn it off, so emo." Cradle of Filth is not emo... So this is to show you what "emo" music is.
Time Spent Driving - Rain on Sundays
Monday, July 4, 2011
Thoughts on Fireworks
Fireworks, like everything else in America, are made in China. Sorry, cynicism is over. I love America. Happy 4th of July!
Sunday, July 3, 2011
Thoughts on Jersey Bore...NIGHTLIFE
Seaside Heights Boardwalk, 4th of July Weekend. Horrible place. There was rumor that Karma club was 18 and up, but it turned out to be false. The Jersey Shore cast were there but hiding in their house. New Jersey is horrible.
Saturday, July 2, 2011
Thoughts on The Jersey Bore
So I actually did something with my day off. Brother Ben is here from Washington so we had a good old fashioned New Jersey Day. Started of right with some Dunken Doughnuts, followed by a haircut and some discount shopping at Burlington Coat Factory. Then we packed up and headed to the supposedly wonderful Jersey Shore. Oh boy did I have a blast...Bumper to bumper traffic all the way there. Turns a 10 min drive into an hour + long drive. When we got there it was super crowded, even at the Brick Township beach. This surprised me since I thought all of Brick was retirement communities and yet I saw teenagers ect ect at the Brick Beach. I now just wonder whether they are real people or some kind of tourism/beach/robots... No way to know for sure, but I never see them around town so it is kinda weird. Anyways besides the crowds the water was not very appealing. I mean temperature wise it was great, but I guess an orgy had occurred recently and every single fish in the Atlantic ocean was in attendance. The water was full of fish eggs...not like the delicious ones on sushi. They were small clear balls of jelly with a blue sperm inside them. Imagine swimming in tapioca pudding, except the tapioca balls are fetuses. Things got pretty controversial when my mom asked me if I thought the eggs were technically alive. I declined to comment because it was my day off and I did not want to get into the whole fish abortion / pro-life debate. Either way, Jersey Shore kind of sucked...I am left with the question: was it really worth it to leave the house on my day off??
Misfits - We Are 138
ALSO FROM NEW JERSEY!!! Ben was fronting with a Misfits tee-shirt. Proceed to tell me he hadn't ever really listened to them. (30 seconds into Bullet) "Huh, this kinda sounds like Danzig..."
You are a Stupid
Misfits - We Are 138
ALSO FROM NEW JERSEY!!! Ben was fronting with a Misfits tee-shirt. Proceed to tell me he hadn't ever really listened to them. (30 seconds into Bullet) "Huh, this kinda sounds like Danzig..."
You are a Stupid
Even Less Try
I am sorry, but I hate everything tonight...day off tomorrow though.
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