Thursday, September 15, 2011

Thoughts on Cold Air and Cold Milk

It is getting cold up here in Wisconsin. Not that good old try Montana cold, it is like moist New Jersey cold all over again. To be horribly clique, the cold that chills you to the bone. I am pretty damn excited for the snow to come though. Cannot wait to go ice skating on the lake. It will be a great break from philosophizing with Plato about "What Is?". History Of Scientific Thought is a ridiculous class, reading all this ancient Greek "natural science" is just incredible. These guys knew literally nothing about what we consider modern science, and yet they had in-depth explanations about almost everything. It is a breath of fresh air to think about the world from a completely new and different view point. It is also damn hard to read all of it and not let my opinions and thoughts be poisoned by modern knowledge. The word is "modernist", or having a modernist view point. Seriously though, we spent a whole discussion talking about the question: "What is?" Next week we will be getting into: "How do we know what we know." We take so much for granted in this day and age, while Plato and the gang devoted their lives to figuring out the most basic of all ideas. Go college learning and stuff!

Also go drinking milk straight out of the bottle. I waited so long to be free from my oppressive parents, making me use a glass to drink my milk.

This is one of those, I have seen this song live and it makes it so much more awesome moments.

Maps - The Yeah Yeah Yeahs


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