Thursday, September 29, 2011

Thoughts on Changing the Banner

So I know that the banner on top of my blog says "posts at least once daily", but I am thinking that this is going to need a serious change. I don't know if it is because of laziness or business, but I am having a hard time keeping up with the whole daily post thing. It is felling like a weekly thing these days. I think the blow is softened by the fact that I actually have interesting things to write about in these weekly posts, instead of the pointless rambles of the past. Ok no more business.

I am talking about that weird feeling. I have been in this place for about one month. Not a very long stretch of time, and it feels like eternity. Making those real serious life long friends apparently. I had to have a discussion about the ethics of Biofuel, and it's affects on farming. I had an unfair disadvantage because all the kids who disagreed with me lived on farms. Not fair!

Wisconsin is a pretty different place. One night a few of us were hanging out in the "dormitory" discussing our musical interests. In a room full of ten people I loudly announced: "Who here likes Mac Dre?" I stood before a room full of blank stares and one: "What is a Mac Dre?". That was mind boggeling to me. I mean I am not a huge fan of Mac Dre, but seriously? It's Mac Dre.....

I feel like my History of Science class is making me a less intelligent person, and a more intelligent person simultaneously. The whole idea of the class is to pull ourselves out of the knowledge base of 2011 and immerse ourselves in the "science" of the ancients. So basically I'm an ace when it comes to ancient cosmology and natural philosophy. But if someone asked me about the solar system as we know it; I would quickly make a fool of myself. The whole concentric circles of the celestial realm idea doesn't really hold up so well.

I have a new found respect for BMX biking. BMX biker's always seemed to me like the biggest tools ever. Riding a bike is something everyone knows how to do. They don't help their cause by being (for the most part) rude assholes. All that changed when I met Dean Larson. Kid is a straight up badass. He is pretty much my 3rd roommate. He is a BMX biker, and gave me the rare opportunity to make a fool of my self on a BMX bike. That shit is not easy... Deanasuar makes it look easy though.

It is so awesome to have a whole new group of people to share all your the funny youtube videos and inside jokes with. I dropped a serous awesome bomb with Turtle Man. The rebel call ("YEEE YEEE") was a big hit with the Turner house gang. I am still working on Trailer Park Boys, I guess it is an acquired taste.

In closing, I hereby dedicate this blog post to the people in Wall Street. If you don't know what I am talking about, google Occupy Wall street. The big "media" has done it's best to keep the coverage to a minimum. Not saying I agree with them, but mad "props" to them for protesting for what they believe in.


Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Thoughts the Horde

For those of you faithful readers, you have been here since the New Jersey era A.K.A. the Dark Ages; you should all know how much a I hated my life. I was pretty damn depressed, I will be honest. But ever since I got to Madison, life has been awesome. No complaints. But today, I had a brief reminder of that sorrow and despair. It is a long story so hold on.

It started slowly, and orange headband here, a Nerf gun there. Soon enough we figured it all out. Books were thrown in the air and bikes were ridden to Target. Humans vs Zombies, campus wide Tag slash nerfgun war. You start as human, wear an orange band around your arm. If zombies tag you, then you become a zombie.

Last night Dushan and I hunted. We killed 16 zombies, setting ambushes and sneaking around the bushes. Peer joy.

Today...I was tagged.
I am lost.

I don't have a reason to carry on anymore.


Thursday, September 15, 2011

Thoughts on Cold Air and Cold Milk

It is getting cold up here in Wisconsin. Not that good old try Montana cold, it is like moist New Jersey cold all over again. To be horribly clique, the cold that chills you to the bone. I am pretty damn excited for the snow to come though. Cannot wait to go ice skating on the lake. It will be a great break from philosophizing with Plato about "What Is?". History Of Scientific Thought is a ridiculous class, reading all this ancient Greek "natural science" is just incredible. These guys knew literally nothing about what we consider modern science, and yet they had in-depth explanations about almost everything. It is a breath of fresh air to think about the world from a completely new and different view point. It is also damn hard to read all of it and not let my opinions and thoughts be poisoned by modern knowledge. The word is "modernist", or having a modernist view point. Seriously though, we spent a whole discussion talking about the question: "What is?" Next week we will be getting into: "How do we know what we know." We take so much for granted in this day and age, while Plato and the gang devoted their lives to figuring out the most basic of all ideas. Go college learning and stuff!

Also go drinking milk straight out of the bottle. I waited so long to be free from my oppressive parents, making me use a glass to drink my milk.

This is one of those, I have seen this song live and it makes it so much more awesome moments.

Maps - The Yeah Yeah Yeahs


Monday, September 12, 2011

Thoughts on Organizing

I organized all day today. It felt a lot better than I think it should make someone feel. I laid out all my hats and shoes in rows, and color coordinated them. I was honestly a tad bit worried about how good it felt to be so organized. I am sure my mother would be very proud of me though. I think what happened was I sat on my futon all day and did homework while the Madison IronMan Triathlon was going on right outside my window. I felt like such a lazy slob... Also took a bike ride over to picnic point and the community gardens. What a surprise, it was all so beautiful. I saw a huge Red-Tailed Hawk and a little Cardinal. This place has everything. I feel like my blog has made a decisive switch from bitching about New Jersey to talking about how much I freaking love Wisconsin. I have fallen in love with Madison, Wisconsin, deeply in love. As a side not I had to watch a video lecture on ethics! stupid stupid stuff. These little situations they talk about never happen in real life, and the "rules" they set from the scare medicine situation and the rest never work in real life. I HATE IT!



Friday, September 9, 2011

Goddamn I am Slacking

So much as been going on this past week. This guy played Amazing Grace on his BAG PIPES!!! earlier and I threw down with the other "hipster" kid on bands that "you have probably never heard of." So before I got here my mom gave this pretty serious talk about intelligence. She basically said that I was going to a school full of really smart people. She had been a very intelligent person, top of the class in her high school, and had not dealt so well with being around everyone who was just as smart or smarter than her. While I have yet to encounter this phenomena, mostly because I could care less if people are smarter than me. But imagine the same idea, only with music. Then times it by 1000x. This kid dragged my ass through every conceivable musical genre and listed off 100s of bands that I had never heard off. My hipster ego was quite battered. They said college was about getting out of your comfort zone and I was very uncomfortable with this kid knowing all of my super random bands and what not. I mean come on! On another note, my History of Science class is freaking incredible. I sat in a 90 min lecture while the professor was just dropping knowledge bombs left and right. I could not be happier with the University of Wisconsin. I will do my best to not skip like a week of posts.

As for the music, this one goes out to the kid in my house who brought his bagpipes to college. You sir, are a total badass.


Sunday, September 4, 2011

Thoughts on Doing Same Changes Around Here

As you might have noticed this whole one past a day thing has been failing pretty hard. I guess you have a lot less free time when in College than when you live in a retirement community in New Jersey. So long story short I probably will not be getting around to the daily posts.
Turner Kronshage House (my dorm) got second place in the KroCS Olympic games. I, along with most of the house, did our darnedest to win. It was a 2 day event, with several games yesterday and then a scavenger hunt today. We owned all our games yesterday, which basically amounted to taking one scavenger picture. I am rambling about this but I honestly rode my bike around the entirety of Madison, Wisconsin taking pictures in front of important buildings and landmarks. I went there, I was willing to look like a total tourist fool, for the sake of Turner house. The house that did not even show up for Ultimate Frisbee, Jeopardy or the relay race did more scavenging so they won. I was pissed. Otherwise college is going swimmingly, I have good friend and am getting into the routine. I talk like I am in college but we have honestly only had one day of classes. It is a lot of fun now, but pretty soon I will defiantly be buckling down and doing some serious work. Gonna be a long road too that PH.D, but we will make it. HIV better watch out!



Friday, September 2, 2011

Thoughts on That Moment

Somewhere between seeing the Microbial Sciences building and watching your football team wreck shit on ESPN I had a little moment of realization. I had been told by many advisers, professors, alumni and students about how UW is the greatest college in the world. I defiantly placed it pretty high before this, but today I realized what they were talking about. This place is so incredible. I have not even been to one class yet. Long boarding and biking all over the place, swimming in the lake, it is all so much fun. The view in Lakeshore is spectacular. It is going to be an incredible year. That is all.