Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Swimming in Dat Lake

Jumped in Lake Mendota in the pitch black and pouring lake, with like 20 people from the dorm. It was quite the bonding moment. Community involvement, friendship building, all that orientation freshman type stuff. I felt pretty proud since I led the charge in getting people to come. Apparently people are very afraid of pneumonia around here, got some strange looks from people. I must say though, UW is so damn awesome. It is going to be a damn good year.


Monday, August 29, 2011

Moving In

I move in tomorrow bright and early. I am damn tired and this internet sucks. Sorry. Awesomeness to come tomorrow though, I promise.


Sunday, August 28, 2011

Thoughts on That Thing People Do.

I wanted to start this off by saying "Today is the day that I finally leave for Wisconsin." We are leaving around 12:30 tonight and driving to Pennsylvania to catch a flight to Detroit. The problem is that technically today is not the day, because we are going to leave after 12, which would be the next day. This brings us to a slight issue. I absolutely cannot stand when you are talking to someone at it is like 12 or 1 am, and you mention something about tomorrow and they are all "no stupid, that's today see because it is after midnight." I really hate that. So in order to avoid hearing that, I shall sacrifice the good sounding into I have for this.

Tomorrow is the day that I finally leave for Wisconsin. You have dragged this on long enough New Jersey. No more Earthquakes, no more hurricanes. I am leaving! and I don't intend on coming back for quite sometime. I am so damn excited. It is hilarious, my mom expects me to "get a few hours of sleep before we go". Silly mom, that's what coffee and adrenaline are for. I am not quite sure if our hotel has Internet, and it might take a day or too for our dorm room wifi to get working. I will do my best to keep posting. Have a goodnight everyone!


Saturday, August 27, 2011

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Thoughts on My Favorite Comedy

My absolute all time 100% favorite comedy is Grandma's Boy. I am not going to go in-depth with this one, but if you have not sampled this Cinematic masterpiece, get to it. But I had an awesome realization today, in the middle of one of those insane, foaming at the mouth, kind of YouTube Dubstep rampages. I remembered the part where Cain goes into J.P's office. (JP is the insane crazy boss who talks in the robot voice, wears trench-coats ect ect) Anyways Cain enters JP's office and super loud techno is playing. Cain comments that he does not like techno.
"You would if you had robot ears."
dubstep. I love you. I think I have robot ears.
In lighter news there is going to be a hurricane c-blocking my airplanes to Madison. Mother Nature I am disappoint. Earthquakes and Hurricanes, the end is NEIGH!



GUYS, that was close, I almost forgot. Thank goodness crisis averted. I found my childhood best friend on facebook. It has been awesome to reconnect with someone I was friends with when I was literally one year old maybe younger. Other than that I had one of those awesome this bands older unknown stuff is way better than the new popular stuff. I am such a pretentious tool. So even if it is an artist repost, I give you some super old school Aesop Rock. Please enjoy.


Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Thoughts on Sucking

Looking back a few posts I realized that I suck. Totally messed up embedding that video and y'all missed out on the best song ever. Its all fixed SO GO BACK AND LISTEN TO IT. I had a pretty uneventful day, bought a new rain coat for school, this was supposed to be a list but that is really all I accomplished. I am pretty much just in limbo until I leave, very excited though. Did I mention that there was an earthquake? 5.8 magnitude centered in Virginia. Not the first one I have felt in my life but I was unaware that the east coast had such things. With all the roads and strip malls out here I kinda forgot that there was like earth and rock below my feet. Although out here its mostly sand. Anyways that was pretty exciting since I immediately figured that it was not an earthquake but the start of an alien invasion. Snapped up real quick and ran outside...I tend to freak out pretty easy when it comes to stuff like that. But at least I'll be ready when it does happen.


Sunday, August 21, 2011

Thoughts on Failure

Just my luck. Makes plans to go out and do something, not be a lazy slob. Was signed up to go sea kayaking with the Cattis Island Parks and Rec people. 3 hours of fresh air, exercise and nature. Of course a huge thunder storm rolls in and cancels the whole show. Sometimes I really don't plan on playing xbox all day, it just happens. Honest! I got like one more week in New Jersey and then I be out!!!!!!!!!

Video is a tad on the racy side, Fore Warning!!


Saturday, August 20, 2011

Thoughts on Dat Shuffle Board

So after living here for months now, and making several jokes about shuffle board, my mother, father, visiting friend and I actually played shuffleboard tonight. That game is so damn awesome. It also helped that I was super freaking good at it. There are a rare few "sports" that I feel I am skilled at, but shuffle board is now at the top of the list. Moral of the story is that shuffle board rocks my socks off.
This song is completely irrelevant, but also completely badass. Has been my ring tone for over a year now. Never gets old....


p.s. You're in my dreams.

Thoughts on Uninvited Guests in My iTunes

Someone let me know if I am the only one that this happens to, but every once in a while I have a song pop up in my itunes that is completely random. I have no idea where it came from, and the artist and song title are always a complete mystery. So tonight, I am here to share with you one such song. The song is called Horror at Camp Jellyjam. It was oft scared the crap out of me on those long nights driving with your ipod on shuffle. It is a pretty creepy song, but I must say it has grown on me a tad bit. Hope you all enjoy.


Thursday, August 18, 2011

Thoughts on I am getting desperate

I am really getting desperate here guys. I really regret this one, but I don't know where else to turn. I'm sorry, I know you are all going to be really disappointed in me, and doubt my "hipster cred". Whatever, I don't even care.


Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Thoughts on AirShow

I saw the Thunder Birds today. Air force F-16 demonstration team. At Atlantic City, I had to be careful and keep myself from signing up for the Air Force. I want to fly fighter jets so freaking bad.


Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Thoughts on Counting Down Dem Days

Got like 14 days left in this wonderful place. Guys I cannot wait. UWISC here I come!

Little FF7 inspired dub for yah.


Saturday, August 13, 2011

Thoughts on Being Snobby About Music

So it has always been the running joke with a few of my more hipster friends, mainly Twitter, that the less people to have heard about a band is directly correlated to how cool said band is. I have seen some extreme examples of this, like one time I was given some Cd's by a friend, before giving them up he made me swear to not tell other people about the band or let them listen to it. Pretty ridiculous in my opinion, but honestly I think a lot of people out there truly believe that if a band is popular they must suck. This whole thing came up on the UW facebook group, I had to chime in to defend Skrillex because I don't care how popular that boy is, he is freaking beast. Anyways I sorta met this kid who is an incoming UW freshman who makes some dubstep, mash-up, remixes ect ect. I came to an amazing conclusion that I could earn serious fucking hipster cred by using on of his songs in my blog. So yah...
Today's song is by this guy, you have probably never heard of him...he is pretty obscure... For real though show him some love, he has some sick remixes and he is a UWisc student, meaning he has to be a super genius badass. Also show the new URL some love, and tell your friends and stuff. Pictures from Virginia trip be up tomorrow night I swear on my monkeys grave.

DJ Britt - Fish don't Fry in the Kitchen.
Check this boy out! DJ Britt on Soundcloud

DJ BRITT - Fish Don't Fry In The Kitchen by DJ BRITT



Last night or technically morning, I was hit with a freight train idea. I realized that the URL for my blog was incredibly annoying and lengthy. For the sake of brevity...I SHALL RENAME IT. Hopefully to
On the off chance that this URL is unavailable. I do not know what to call it. So EVERYBODY READ THIS!!   

Friday, August 12, 2011

Thoughts on That Family Time, Also that Edgar Allen Poe

I saw Edgar Allen Poe's dorm room at UVA (university of Virginia) today. They make it out to be a big deal there, even though he was not even enrolled for a whole semester. It was weird being at a different college though, I was all hostile and spirited. Made a point to wear my UW shirt and stuff. UW must be that fucking cool if I have school spirit. Also hung out with family a bunch this weekend...which was cool because it was relatives I have rarely seen. We had a good time, my Virginia relatives are super cool. I have pictures from UVA and the Lowrey Caverns, I will get after those tomorrow or something. My insightful moment of the day occurred when I began to drive a car with New Jersey plates through Virginia, using a Montana drives licence, all while wearing a Wisconsin T-Shirt. That is my life. Otherwise I continue to descend into the depths of dubstep addiction ....wompwompwomp...


Wednesday, August 10, 2011

hotel internet is bad

Hotel Internet is bad. Greetings from Virginia.
Have pictures from Caverns. They are cool, you can see them in probably a week. Since I am so lazy. Also I met a family from Madtown, WI in a restaurant today. Epic Win.


Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Thoughts on Mt. Misery

So Yah...sorry about missing yesterday, I had a busy day. After I finished my last day at Target, I met up with Target friends to go bowling. Pretty normal activity I know, nothing to exciting. Then my friend Mark (he is kind of crazy) gets the idea that we should go and explore this crazy, old, abandoned Factory out in the middle of no-where. On our way to the "middle of nowhere" we settled on just driving around by the factory, as to avoid getting in trouble (or getting eaten by the New Jersey Devil). We ended up driving on some sketchy dirt trails in the middle of the pine barrens. Moral of the story, New Jersey forests are inexplicably creepier than Montana ones and I am glad we were in my car. It was pretty fun to drive some sketchy dirt roads again, like the good 'ol days in Montana. Driving through the woods was the perfect opportunity to listen to this new band I had just found (via proxy recommendation from my cousin through my mother). The "genre" is called (by some) witchhouse. It is just like creepy slow electronic beats and stuff. It added a very nice touch to the already creepy place. Anyyywhooo sorry for slacking last night, enjoy this White Ring song, I have to go wash the mud of the car and buy a new headlight bulb.


Saturday, August 6, 2011

Thoughts on 16 Hours

I officially have 16 hours of work at Target left. Honestly kind of bummed. But I am more tired than bummed. I saw a clever bumper sticker but I forgot what it said. Moral of the story is I suck. At least the song is kind of related to the idea that I am almost done working.


Thursday, August 4, 2011

Thoughts on Wonderful Musical Creations

Every once and a while I come across a piece of music that is just absolutely awesome. Sometimes it is just a great song, other times it is awesome for other, more obscure, reasons. For example, 28 Days Later theme dubstep version.  I don't feel bad about a short post tonight because this song is too incredible. My words would only tarnish its beauty.


Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Thoughts on Looking at the Bright Side

Fried Oreos. An oreo cookie, covered in batter and deep fat fried. Powdered sugar. Heaven. I guess there are some good things about New Jersey after all. Seeing as how I only have one month left here, I have decided to start a New Jersey Bucket List, I know I am not dying anytime soon, it means before I leave Jersey. I have made a few friends here and want to try and enjoy myself a little before I leave. The list is not very long yet (just had the idea today, need to brainstorm. So far we have:
1. Lay on the beach at sunset / nighttime (bonus point for campfire but I think that's illegal)
2. See the cast of Jersey Shore in their natural habitat
3. Play mini-golf at the boardwalk

Pretty short and lame, but at least it is something to look forward too. On a more incredible note I only have six more days of work!!!!!!!

This is my new favorite kind of music...being chill.


Cant tonight

sorry busy

Monday, August 1, 2011